"Blasphemy UN Resolution": US NGO "Open Doors" campain on Freedom of Believe

You can read about it here. And you can sign it here.

The basics:

Who is Behind the Resolution?

The countries supporting this resolution are, ironically, the very Islamic-majority countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) that persecute Christians and other minority faiths. Members of minority faiths such as Christians or Jews who make truth claims or even evangelize can be accused of “defamation” and can be punished under national blasphemy laws.

History of the Resolution

While Defamation of Religions Resolutions have been introduced and passed previously, it is up again this year for a vote. The resolution lost support in the UN General Assembly vote during the last couple of years and we think this year may be the tipping point.

Your voice makes a difference

We need to encourage key countries to change their vote on this resolution. These countries are not easily influenced by American citizens. But they are more receptive to pressure from our federal legislators. So ask your legislator to pressure key countries to change their vote on the Defamation of Religions Resolution today!

If there is any other NGO from other place, maintaining or opening a campaign to fight against this Resolution, please leave a message. I will post it too.

2 comments on “"Blasphemy UN Resolution": US NGO "Open Doors" campain on Freedom of Believe

  1. MFS says:

    Hi Claudia.
    I’ll put a link to this post on my next blogpost tomorrow.To Islam information is their greatest threath so it’s of extreme importance to silence anyone critical of Islam before more and more people are starting to understand the threath .
    Thanks for sharing!
    PS:Another petition is : L’Alliance FFL stop sharia.

    stop sharia

    • Claudia says:

      Thanks, MFS001, for blogging about it.

      And thanks for the link, too. I will read it tomorrow (National Holiday in Spain).

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