Spain: a woman is attacked by two Muslims because she was wearing a crucifix

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

I have read it in the excellent blog of one of my best blogfriends, Elentir:

One of the people I’m following on Twitter, Julia Quintana (@Banalia), is in hospital after being attacked last night. His daughter @Adritaty explained that the attack took place in Ceuta when Julia was returning home. She encountered  two Muslims in the street and one went after the cross that hung from her neck, “Mom answered him back and started beating her and insulting her“, her daughter reports. The offender is arrested: “he was arrested by my own father,” she says. It was he who stopped the attack after getting to the door of the house when hearing his wife’s sreams. On the state of Julia, her daughter notes, she “has a broken rib, in a few hours, she will be at home” (UPD: she is already home, thank God!).

It so happens that Julia had decorated her Twitter account’s background with the campaign logo, launched earlier this year by the citizen platform to claim religious freedom. Attacks such as that suffered Julia, who has behaved like the brave woman she really is, show how necessary are these campaigns.

She considers that the boy who attacked her was on drugs and invites everyone to forgive and forget and to live in harmony. She has invited everyone to pray for her attacker for the Lord to enlighten him.

That I know of, this has not being published by ANY major MSM. If it wouldn’t have been because of the blogosphere, I would have never have known about it.

Turkey: 42% of women suffer abuse from husband or partner

Unofficial Turkish emblem (This is not the Tur...

Image via Wikipedia

Somedays ago, there was a poll saying that “60 percent, both male and female, think women should obey men, while 33 percent think women deserve to be beaten by their husbands if they do not obey – compared to 19 percent in 1996“. Here we see the results:

A study has found that 42 per cent of Turkish women suffer physical or sexual violence at the hands of their husband or partner, despite tough laws designed to protect them.But women’s advocate and researcher Gauri van Gulik says the laws are rarely enforced.
Our reporter Ashley Hall spoke to her from Berlin.
GAURI VAN GULIK: The main thing that I have to say about the abuse in Turkey is that the level is quite extreme. Now we see abuse everywhere we work but what we encountered in Turkey was really not just the daily beatings or just sexual abuse but also very severe kinds of abuse like poisoning, we encountered cases of stabbings, gunfights as well, horrible cases of abuse, very, very sickening frankly. And we encountered that throughout the country in different areas of the country.

via Nearly half of Turkey’s women suffer abuse « Dalit News from Kerala.

US: Judge considers that a Muslim can abuse his wife, because “his actions were consistent with his religious practices”

Husband beating his wife

Image via Wikipedia

This is worrying: this is no Islamist lunatic who says Sharia Law should be implemented in the US and that every woman should wear a burqa. No, this is a judge that considers that, above US law, there is another one: Sharia Law. At least, the ruling was overturned on appeal.

In S.D. v. M.J.R., the plaintiff, a Moroccan Muslim woman, lived with her Moroccan Muslim husband in New Jersey. She was repeatedly beaten and raped by her husband over the course of several weeks. While the plaintiff was being treated for her injuries at a hospital, a police detective interviewed her and took photographs of her injuries. Those photographs depicted injuries to plaintiff’s breasts, thighs and arm, bruised lips, eyes and right check. Further investigation established there were blood stains on the pillow and sheets of plaintiff’s bed.

The wife sought a permanent restraining order, and a New Jersey trial judge held a hearing in order to decide whether to issue the order. Evidence at trial established, among other things, that the husband told his wife, “You must do whatever I tell you to do. I want to hurt your flesh” and “this is according to our religion. You are my wife, I c[an] do anything to you.” The police detective testified about her findings, and some of the photographs were entered into evidence.

The defendant’s Imam testified that a wife must comply with her husband’s sexual demands and he refused to answer whether, under Islamic law, a husband must stop his sexual advances on his wife if she says “no.”

The trial judge found that most of the criminal acts were indeed proved, but nonetheless denied the permanent retraining order. This judge held that the defendant could not be held responsible for the violent sexual assaults of his wife because he did not have the specific intent to sexually assault his wife, and because his actions were “consistent with his [religious] practices.In other words, the judge refused to issue the permanent restraining order because under Sharia law, this Muslim husband had a “right” to rape his wife.

via The Real Impact of Sharia Law in America.

Belgium: New Burqa Ban Challenged in Court

Muslim woman in Yemen.

Muslim woman wearing a niqab in Yemen. Image via Wikipedia

Two Muslim women who wear full veils decided Friday to challenge the ban in the country\’s constitutional court, Belgian media reported.

“We consider the law as a disproportionate intrusion into fundamental rights such as the freedom of religion and expression,” Ines Wouters, the women’s lawyer, was quoted as saying in the newspaper La Libre.

“This measure is discriminatory,” Wouters said.

…The Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner, Thomas Hammarberg, criticised burqa and niqab bans this week, saying such measures threaten to exclude women rather than liberating them.

“In fact, the banning may run counter to European human rights standards, in particular the right to respect for one’s private life and personal identity,” he said.

“The way the dress of a small number of women has been portrayed as a key problem requiring urgent discussion and legislation is a sad capitulation to the prejudices of the xenophobes.”

via Belgium\’s New Burqa Ban Challenged in Court.

If this Mr. Hammarberg would be assaulted by someone dressed in a burqa, I’m sure he would like to know who was the culprit. Oh, well, that surely would make him a dangerous xenophobe wanting to go on a murderous spree… 🙄

Pakistan: man kills six daughters for “honour”

In a shocking incident, a Pakistani man has gunned down his six daughters on suspicion that two of them were in relationships with boys in the neighbourhood. Arif Mubashir called his teenage daughters to his room and shot them while the rest of the family, including their mother, watched. His wife Musarrat called the police after the incident, the Express Tribune daily reported today.

Mubashir, a resident of Punjab province, shot the girls after their brother said two of them were in a relationship. He told police officials that he had killed his daughters because they were “without honour”. The man said his daughters Sameena, 14, and Razia, 16, were in a relationship with college boys from the neighbourhood and the sisters had helped each other. “I should have been told immediately but the girls sided with each other. They were both corrupt,” Mubashir told Tandlianwala Police Inspector Javed Sial.

Police officials have taken Mubashir into custody and filed a case against him. “He does not regret what he did. He boasted that he would do it all over again if he had to,” Sial was quoted as saying.

via Pak man kills six daughters for \’honour\’.

Pakistan: Farah Hatim to stay with Muslim family

Montage of various Bahawalpur and its surround...
Bawhalpur. Image via Wikipedia

A Pakistani girl who was allegedly kidnapped and forced to marry a Muslim man has told a high court that she will stay with him, said reports in the Vatican Insider and on Fides.

In tears, Farah Hatim appeared before the judge of the High Court of Punjab, Bahawalpur section. When the judge asked her the question “which family do you choose”, the girl, after an interminable silence, replied: “Both.” The Court argued that “this is impossible”, the question was repeated. At that point, Farah chose her new Muslim family. Continue reading

Honor Killings, a video

By Thanks to EuropeNews.

The “Islamic Fashion Festival” Goes to Milan… and London

Starting in 2006, the Malaysian-based Islamic Fashion Festival carries the slogan “Discover the Beauty of Modesty” and aims to “take an innovative spin on the conventional fashion exhibition to boldly present Islamic culture and attire on an international platform,” It offers such features as “Hijab Fashion” and “Abaya Fashion.” The IFF has staged events in Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Astana, Dubai, Jakarta, Monte Carlo, New York, Singapore and Bandung. Next month, the show will be brought to London.

According to Malaysian National News Agency, IFF, under the patronage of Malaysia’s First Lady, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, has been invited to participate in the Milan Fashion Week.”

via The “Islamic Fashion Festival” Goes to Milan :: Daniel Pipes.

Saudi Arabia: woman makes joke about leaving her husband, husband marries another woman

Sword Dance at a Saudi Wedding

An arrogant Saudi woman made the mistake of her life when she retaliated to a heavy joke by her husband with a much heavier one. The husband simply turned his joke into reality and married another woman.

The unnamed couple were visiting the wife’s family when her husband joked by telling her brothers that he would marry again.

“His wife joked back but it was a much heavier joke when she told him ‘I can kick you with my leg any time and marry another one with my money.”

“Her husband got furious and decided to marry another woman…her brothers tried to calm him down but he felt very offended,” Kabar newspaper said in a report from the capital Riyadh on Monday.

“The real joke is that he went ahead with the marriage and the brothers of his first wife paid all wedding costs….that wife paid a heavy price of her joke.”

via Joke proves costly… hubby gets second wife – Emirates 24/7.

Canada: public school cafeteria allows Islamic prayers (UPD)

Take a look at this photograph. It appeared in The Toronto Star’s education section on Saturday:

It’s the scene every Friday at the cafeteria of Valley Park Middle School in Toronto. That’s not a private academy, it’s a public school funded by taxpayers. And yet, oddly enough, what’s going on is a prayer service – oh, relax, it’s not Anglican or anything improper like that; it’s Muslim Friday prayers, and the Toronto District School Board says don’t worry, it’s just for convenience: They put the cafeteria at the local imams’ disposal because otherwise the kids would have to troop off to the local mosque and then they’d be late for Lesbian History class or whatever subject is scheduled for Friday afternoon.

The picture is taken from the back of the cafeteria. In the distance are the boys. They’re male, so they get to sit up front at prayers. Behind them are the girls. They’re female, so they have to sit behind the boys because they’re second-class citizens – not in the whole of Canada, not formally, not yet, but in the cafeteria of a middle school run by the Toronto District School Board they most certainly are.

And the third row? The ones with their backs to us in the foreground of the picture? Well, let the Star’s caption writer explain:

At Valley Park Middle School, Muslim students participate in the Friday prayer service. Menstruating girls, at the very back, do not take part.


More at BCF.

Islamic modesty

Because displaying your lingerie is much more modest than showing your face… 😆

Found here.

Or could it be she wanted some Vitamin D?

“A Jordanian study published this week asserted that 87% of women between the ages of 18 and 70 in Jordan suffer from a lack of Vitamin D as a result of insufficient sun exposure and not enough milk consumption. “

Insufficient sun exposure? Wow, must be the burqas, niqabs or something. Oh, wait, Muslim women (all of them) have huge gardens where they can have some sun exposure (in the comments)…

Yeah, right..

More Islamic modesty.

Spain: more information on the Fuengirola murder (ACT.)

I hope that the people who blog about this, literally COPYING the translation I have made will have the decency of, at least, linking this post:

The Gaze of Salvador Dali seems a macabre announcement of the tragedy that lies behind the door on which is printed. It’s the photo of the room 505 of the thematic hostelEl Cid, Fuengirola. The irregular lines confirm that police precinct has been the scene of a crime. S. E. C., a Swedish student who died 18 years beheaded. Her friend, whom she was on vacation with, was stabbed but managed to save.

One floor below is another precinct. Room 404, also palindromic. Beethoven. There he stayed until yesterday, a 30-year-old Moroccan named Abselam B. The man who allegedly stabbed two girls and was surprised by the receptionist at the hotel with a knife. The individual is in police custody as the alleged perpetrator. Investigators believe he came to the room with the intention of sexually assaulting them, according to central government representatives.

On the third floor there is no seal, but another main character of the case. A national police who is doing his internship course  in Marbella and was on holiday in Fuengirola. He is the officer who chased Abselam down the stairs and held him until colleagues arrived.

The victims were staying on Wednesday at the hostel, situated in the central avenue of the Condes de San Isidro to celebrate the end of the school year. They had come to visit a friend who was in Fuengirola. They were scheduled to leave on Friday, but they paid the bill and decided to extend their stay until Sunday.

Abselam went to Fuengirola on Friday. The Moroccan, who is a legal resident in Spain, had worked in construction, but was now unemployed. He doesn’t have any criminal record. He had lived in Las Gabias, a town in the province of Granada, but recently stopped by Mijas coast, where he rented an apartment. On Thursday, the lease ended, so he went on looking for a room in the hotel, where he reserved only for one day.

On Friday night, both groups went separately to walk around Fuengirola. “It seems that they coincided in a nightclub,” comments the director and owner of the Hostal El Cid, Carlos Lombardi. The girls returned to the hotel establishment about two-thirty in the morning. They greeted the receptionist and went to their room.

At 3.22 hours Abselam arrived. He was wearing a gray shirt and white pants. He wore a plastic cup in hand. At the desk, the clerk had the impression that he was drunk. He handed over the keys to the 404 and put his hand on the back to help him enter.

What happened next is what the National Police is trying to clarify. “The door to the room the girls were not forced. It is not known how he got into, “says Lombardi. But everyone knows the outcome. Antonio Serrano, the receptionist, heard the screams of one of the girls coming down the stairs. It was bloody. He kept repeating the words “crazy” (crazy in English) and “knife” (knife).

S. E. C. was lying dead on the floor of her room 505. He had several stab wounds, one deep in the neck. Apparently, her hands still held a few strands of the agressor’s hair that she pulled out in the struggle. Her friend, 19, suffered three cuts on her arms and one in the neck that nearly reached a vital area. She was evacuated to hospital, but soon after she was discharged and went to the police station to testify.

The cries of the girl woke up several guests of the hotel, including the policeman who was staying on the third floor. He punt on his trousers and went downstairs to see what was happening. Then he found Abselam, who was running down the stairs. He reduced him until his companions arrived and took charge of the detainee. The Moroccan also has stab wounds, possibly as a result of the struggle. At press time, he remained in the cells at the police station in Fuengirola awaiting questioning.

Translation: T&P.

More here.

The injured Swede, who had been stabbed at her hotel in Figuerola del Camp and taken to a nearby hospital, was treated for cuts on her hands and neck.

She was released from the hospital Saturday and taken to the local police station, according to Spanish authorities.

“The doctor told her that she had been very lucky because she had an injury to her neck that could have been fatal,” a source close to the investigation told local newspaper El Pais.

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Spain: Moroccan man kills Swedish tourist, hurts another in attempted sexual assault (ACT)

This has just been published:

The weekend trip for two Swedish students in Fuengirola has ended in tragedy after one of them was killed by an individual who tried to assault them sexually.

According to the first hypothesis, both tourists spent a few days in the town of Malaga, housed in the hotel El Cid. Apparently, they met a young 30-year-old Moroccan in a nightclub who was staying for the night at the same hotel as them but in a different room.

At 04:00, the alleged murderer went to the room of the two Swedish girls and after attempted to sexually assault them, stabbed one of them and killed her. The other girl escaped with wounds and alerted the hotel staff, who retained the subject with the help of a police trainee.

The detainee remains in Fuengirola Police Station waiting to go to court.

Translated from here.

(ACT.) Those people who have COPIED this content without linking this post or IBA are not going to have this update. Remember that this blog is protected against copy. It’s shameful that people who are “outstanding” bloggers copy other more modest blogs’ content, without linking it. Just go to the comments and compare. Continue reading

Gadafi ordered mass rapes, his daughter sues NATO troops

Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (in Dimashq, Syr...

Image via Wikipedia

The International Criminal Court (ICC) yesterday accused Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to use rape as a weapon of war against hundreds of women, in a bid to curb the rebels fighting for his resignation.

There is evidence that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi ordered mass rape and sexual drug shipments purchased for the troops to attack the women, “said Luis Moreno-Ocampo, chief prosecutor of the ICC, based in the Dutch city of The Hague.

Speaking to the press, Moreno-Ocampo said that this is a new aspect of the repression of Colonel Gaddafi, who will join the other charges brought against him, according to a report of Radio Nederland.

More here.

Meanwhile, his daughter has sued NATO troops over deadly NATO air strike:

“The target was a civil building inhabited by civilians and was neither a command post nor a military control [centre] of the Libyan regime,” the legal papers state.

Child brides

In India, the girls will typically be attached to boys four or five years older, an investigation in the June issue of National Geographic magazine has found. But in Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and other countries with even higher rates of marriage at an early age, the husbands may be young men, middle-aged widowers or even abductors who rape first and claim their victims as wives afterwards.

'Whenever I saw him, I hid. I hated to see him': Tahani (in pink) was just six years old when she she married Majed, 25 (standing next to her). The young wife posed for this portrait with former classmate Ghada, also a child bride, outside their mountain home in Hajjah, Yemen  Read more:

'Whenever I saw him, I hid. I hated to see him': Tahani (in pink) was just six years old when she she married Majed, 25 (standing next to her). The young wife posed for this portrait with former classmate Ghada, also a child bride, outside their mountain home in Hajjah, Yemen

Read more.

Ukraine: teenager killed after taking part in a beauty contest

A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under ‘Sharia law’ after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.

Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.

Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest.

Found here.

Of course, she wasn’t a non-Muslim girl who could be abused because the way she dressed. So, she should be killed… 😯

Australia: Lybian man condemned on sexual assaults’ charges

Almahde Ahmad Atagore, 28, had been in Australia only a month and was having trouble adapting to the Australian culture when he committed the attacks, a court heard.

Atagore, who is a Muslim, was upset and sexually aroused at the way women in Australia dressed and behaved, the Victorian County Court heard today

Sentencing Atagore, Judge Margaret Rizkalla said she accepted there was a link between the cultural issues, along with Atagore’s depression, and the offences.

 So, instead of trying to adapt to Australian society, he spent a month raping and sexually assaulting women and teenagers. And feeling depressed…
The question is: if everything was so disgusting, why didn’t he went back to Lybia? Yeah, I know…

Burqa ban: Erdogan condemns France

Recep Tayyip Erdogan - World Economic Forum An...

Image by World Economic Forum via Flickr

Not surprising of course:

Council of Europe in Strasbourg, April 13, 2011/Vincent Kessler)

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused France of violating the freedom of religion on Wednesday after Paris began enforcing a law barring Muslim women from wearing full face veils in public. He told the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that Turkey was the only Muslim country that had copied the French law on secularism, or separating church and state.

“It’s quite ironic to see that secularism is today under debate in Europe and is undermining certain freedoms,” he said. “Today in France, there is no respect for individual religious freedom,” he said. The Strasbourg-based Council of Europe monitors human rights across the continent.

Although missionary work is legal in secular Turkey, the mistrust of missionaries has been expressed by state institutions. In 2001, a report prepared for Turkey’s National Security Council, which brings together generals, politicians and the president, said missionary activities constituted a threat to national unity as their ultimate aim was to “divide Turkey”.

“Missionary activity, the prime threat to Turkey, has nothing to do with freedom of religion,” Namik Kemal Zeybek, leader of the Democrat Party, or DP, a small right-wing group, said in a speech last week, according to press reports. “These missionary activities, called ‘Evangelical’ and supported by US dollars, are a threat for the whole of humanity.”

France: Jihadist chiefs threaten to attack over burqa ban

Women wearing burqas, the most concealing of a...

Image via Wikipedia

Well, this is of course, NOT shocking:

Islamic terror chiefs have declared war on France over its ban on women wearing burkas.

Extremists posted threats on websites calling for a “war on crusader France,” according to American terrorism monitoring service SITE.

One message read: “Leave our sisters alone or we will truly be obligated to act on our words.”

France has made it illegal for women to hide their faces with a burka – they can be fined £132.