BBC and WYD: support for the violent anti-Catholic so-called “indignados”

A demonstrator against the Pope's visit shouts at a praying pilgrim

A demonstrator against the Pope's visit shouts at a praying pilgrim

BeliefNet has a very good comment on the subject:

“Over a hundred of these fringe protest groups coalesced, as they so often do, into a confused mêlée of conflicting special interests,” reported Yiannopoulos. “They were united, however, in the sheer nastiness with which they expressed their views. To give but one example — as pilgrims sang “Hallelujah”, “Long Live the Pope!” and Benedicto!” demonstrators responded with shrieks of “Nazis!” and “Padophiles, watch out children!”

“So much for the inclusive tolerance trumpeted by the Left,” writes Yiannopolos. ”Here in Madrid was its real face: a sneering, violent mob of self-righteous bullies who thought it appropriate to hurl abuse at children for the crime of having pride in their faith and being excited about by a visit from the Holy Father.”

Yesterday, police had to protect us from an “indignados’” mob who wanted to “beat us” just for being Catholics and the day before yesterday, pilgrims were targeted (most of them youngsters and one of them in a wheelchair) because “Catholics provoke us, they shouldn’t exist. We should burn them alive like in 1936“. Everything with this kind of “beautiful” and “elegant” images, which tried to mock Christian Catholic faith:

A penis with a rosary hanging from it: they pretend to critisize Catholics with that

A penis with a supposed rosary hanging from it: they pretend to critisize Catholics with that


1936. Most of my family was murdered that same year because they were Catholic and Libertarian-Conservatives. I hope history doesn’t repeat itself.

Anyway, as Catholic Herald writes: “Madrid will never forget this scenes of devotion” and “The street party pauses for the Way of the Cross“.

More photos here.

A note: this event hasn’t cost the taxpayers a dime, because it has been paid by the pilgrims (70% of the total cost) and the sponsors (the rest 30%).

UK: Family of albino Muslims terrorised because their daughter married a non-Muslim man

Naseem ParvezShe is expecting her second baby and oh, ah, goes to church:

A family of albino Muslims are being terrorised by bigots because their daughter married a man from another religion.

The so-called ‘honour’ retribution has included smashed windows at their Coventry home, vandalised cars and death threats.

Now, head of the family Aslam Parvez has made a plea to the culprits to end the hatred.

…Aslam Parvez, 53, blames members of the Muslim community who believe the family have been dishonoured by his daughter’s marriage.

The hate campaign started five months ago when a national magazine published an article on albinos which featured Naseem, who no longer lives in Coventry and has little contact with her family.

It revealed how she has married a Christian, goes to church and is expecting her second child with her husband.

A Coventry Police spokesman said they received an allegation from the family on July 20 and are investigating the matter.

Mandy Sanghera, a social worker and Coventry expert in honour violence, is supporting the family.

She said: ‘This family is already vulnerable because of their condition and have clearly been affected by honour violence against them.

‘They don’t deserve it. They need the support of the community not to be alienated by them. I urge those responsible for doing this to stop.’

Kazakhstan: Religious freedom means “one nation – one religion”

The president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarba...

Kazakh President Nazarbaev. Image via Wikipedia

Of course, this means there is actually no religion in the country:

For Kazakhstan’s new Agency of Religious Affairs (ARA), religious freedom means “one nation – one religion”. In fact, Kazakh authorities have announced new measures to increase controls on religious groups, including legal penalties.

On 22 July, Kazakh President Nazarbaev said, “It is necessary to strictly suppress the spread of elements of extremist religious ideology in the country, especially, open actions which are aimed at undermining the constitutional system and which pose a threat to citizens’ lives and health“.

At a meeting of the country’s Security Council, the president said that local governments “should step up educational and preventive measures, as well as keep a close watch on religious associations’ strict compliance with the existing legal norms.”

This set off alarm bells among religious minorities. In April, Nazarbaev had already called for greater controls against an unspecified “extremist religious ideology”, which was followed by a police crackdown against religious minorities and a hostile campaign against them in state media.

In fact, in the absence of any clear definition of “religious extremism”, ARA has gone on an offensive against all Muslim groups that do not adhere to what it considers mainstream moderate Islam.

via KAZAKHSTAN Religious freedom in Kazakhstan means “one nation – one religion” – Asia News.

Really dangerous move: would Ahmadis be considered “mainstream moderate Islam”? I guess not.

When a Govt wants to forbid something, the 1st rule of all consists in stating very clearly what are the actions which are no longer allowed. And has anyone an idea of what is a “mainstream moderate Islam”? Because defining that into a law, would be really hard to do… 😯

Pew Global Poll: Muslims, Westerners retain stereotype views

Andrew Kohut at the Miller Center Forum
Andrew Kohut. Image by Miller_Center via Flickr

Westerners and Muslims continue to hold negative stereotypes of each other, although views of Muslims in the West appear to have improved marginally over the past five years, according to a new survey released by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, reports IPS.

The survey was based on in-depth interviews with respondents in six predominantly Christian and six predominantly Muslim countries, as well as in Israel and the Palestinian Territories (PT).

“Many in the West see Muslims as fanatical and violent …,” it concluded. At the same time, “Muslims in the Middle East and Asia generally see Westerners as selfish, immoral and greedy – as well as violent and fanatical.

”“The survey obviously gives evidence to those who think there is pretty much an intense and entrenched divide (between the two groups),” noted Andrew Kohut, the Project’s founder and director.

The survey found that majorities or pluralities of respondents in all but three of the countries surveyed said they believed “some religions are more prone to violence than others.”

Among Christian respondents who agreed with that assertion, overwhelming majorities said that Islam was the most violent.

Among respondents in predominantly Muslim countries, on the other hand, similar majorities named Judaism as the most violent. Turkey, however, was an exception: 45 percent pf respondents who said some religions were more violent than others named Christianity as the most violent; 41 percent chose Judaism.

via Muslims, Westerners retain stereotype views –

Spain: the Govt wants to forbid religious images in taxis

This verges on obsession… if in the end is true (something that is possible and probable):

Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens)

Image via Wikipedia

It is not uncommon to see in taxis religious images, especially of the Virgin Mary, among the self-employed taxi sector. This tradition continues especially in Andalusia, where the image of a local virgin, as well as of St. Christopher, patron saint of drivers, have become iconic symbols for these workers. Industry representatives have complained that, with the Religious Freedom Act, will be forced to remove religious symbols from their cars. The Government contends that, under the principle of secularism, possession of symbols or clothing that express a religious affiliation in public services be prohibited.
This law prohibits carrying “overt” symbols (ie visible and taken with the intent to be seen) of belonging to a religion. “Instead of banning things that do not harm anyone, the Govt should worry about those who search through Spanish dumpsters for food“,complains Alvaro Sevilla, a taxi driver that has no problem in displaying an image of the Virgen del Rocío over the glove compartment of his vehicle. Like him, his colleagues do not understand a measure that would end a practice of many taxi drivers, so they require “greater flexibility in this regard
“There is no secular symbol that comfors me more than a picture of the Virgen del Carmen”, says Alberto Ibáñez, a businessperson from Cordoba. He remembers excited a serious accident at the entrance of Lucena and in which he was miraculously saved by that image. At least he feels that and hasn’t found any standard secular value that makes he think otherwise. Another partner of the province of Montilla  (Cordoba) recalled that on one occasion, a temporary worker from the Maghreb complained about the presence of a small crucifix with the wheel and for that reason, refused to travel on board in the “blasphemous” vehicle.

More here.

Canada: mosque supports stoning, amputations

The skyline of Etobicoke, centered around the ...

Image via Wikipedia

The Khalid Bin Al Walid Mosque is located on Bethridge Rd. in Etobicoke, near the neighborhood now known as “Little Somalia” and serves that community. I live in Etobicoke, so does Mayor Ford, in fact I grew up here. I attended high school at what was then known as Keiller MacKay Collegiate. The old neighborhood sure has changed.

So what has unfettered immigration and the lie of multiculturalism brought to our fair city? Read this document entitled “Violations of Islam” published on the Khalid Mosque web site and judge for yourself.

Here are a some highlights.

(b) To say that enforcing the punishments prescribed by Allah, such as cutting off the hand of a thief or stoning an adulterer, is not suitable in this day and age.

Supporting and aiding polytheists against the Muslims. 

My Favourite; To believe…”that lslam is the cause of the backwardness of Muslims.”

More here.

K aka Kel has left here a video about this mosque.

The roots of backwardness in the Arab world

By a Bahraini intellectual, Dhiyaa al-Musawi. A real intelectual and a must see video.

Unfortunately, this guy won’t probably be their leader…

Watched here,

Tariq Ramadan: "Let’s not Talk About Muslims Integrating"

This is an update on this story:

On Thursday, Ramadan said the ban undermined American values and that it was no longer appropriate to speak about “Muslims in the West,” but rather “Western Muslims.”

“The difference is that we are not here in a host country. We are at home, and Islam is a Western religion,” Ramadan said.Ramadan will also speak Saturday in Chicago at a banquet sponsored by the Council on American Islamic Relations, and on Monday at Georgetown University.

Talk of Muslim integration was old, too, he said. “It’s time not to speak about integrating, it’s to think about contribution, what do you give to your country. This is a step forward, when you give something, people are not asking where do you come from, they want to know where we are going together.”

via Obama’s Islamist: Let’s not Talk About Muslims Integrating | Loganswarning.

Does he tells the same to non-Muslims in Islamic countries?

And, why integration shouldn’t be a requirement for Muslims immigrants? Oh, no wait. There should be a moratory for stoning adulterers, so… they don’t have to integrate, in Ramadan’s view, because they should be waiting for the appropriate timing, isn’t it?

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Yemen: Dead child bride tied up and raped, says mum

This is an update on this story:

A 13-year-old Yemeni child bride who bled to death shortly after marriage was tied down and forced to have sex by her husband, according to interviews with the child’s mother, police and medical reports.

The mother, Nijma Ahmad, 50, said that before her daughter lost consciousness, she said her husband had tied her up and forced himself on her. “She looked like she was butchered,” she said about her daughter’s injuries.

Elham Assi, 13, bled to death hours after she spoke to her mother and just days after she was married to a 23-year-old man. She died on April 2 in the Yemeni village of Shueba, 200 kilometres northwest of the capital. Her husband, Abed Al Hikmi, is in police custody.

The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen where a quarter of all females marry before the age of 15, according to a 2009 report by the country’s Ministry of Social Affairs. Continue reading

Russia : "inadmisible to link Islam to terrorism", mufties say

This is an update on these stories:

Subway entry in Moscow, Russia
Image by gmetrail via Flickr

“Every attempt to link Islam with terrorism is inadmisible and represents a menace to international peace”, according the participants last Monday in a meeting about “Islam: tolerance, peace and non-violence“.

“Islam is a religion of peace, of tolerance and of non-violence” adds the statement by the participants in the meeting held in the Conseil of Russian Mufties.

The responsibles for terrorist attacks, both those who execute them or who take part in their preparation, are “criminals who should be brought to justice”, adding that they consider necessary to prevent any confusion between ethnic or religious membership and criminality, because “the terrorists don’t have nationality nor religion”.

via Moscou : “inadmissible” de lier l’Islam au terrorisme – Donne Ton Avis.

It’s always OK to see that the mufties reject terrorism, but there is something they never reject: Jihad, despite it being the reason why Islamic terrorists blow themselves up killing others.

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France: French FM says Govt wants to promote economic ties with Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey...

Image via Wikipedia

After Germany, now comes France:

Ahead of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan‘s visit to the country, France said it wanted to promote economic ties with Turkey.French Foreign Ministry said in a press release Friday new cooperation projects in the areas of transportation, energy and infrastructure would be discussed during Erdoğan’s visit on Tuesday and Wednesday.

via France wants to promote economic ties with Turkey – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review.

We’ll see the results of this visit. Erdogan has been interviewed by French newspaper Le Figaro, claiming that he believes in separation of religion and state (something which contradicts his previews comparison of democracy with a “vehicle you take till you arrive at your destination”, which for him was Shariah Law) and that only “some people in France” are opposed to Turkey being a EU member, pointing the great “Turkey-French friendship” with Chirac (Turk Mameluks for example fought with Napoleon in his wars, specially in Spain). Regarding Israel he said that Turkey is a friend of Israel but considers Mahmoud “I want to wipe Israel off the map” Ahmadinejad “his dear friend”. He also states that he wants to open dialogue with the Talibans because “never from the times of Alexander the Great, foreign armies have achived their objectives in that country”.

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US: Republican candidate for Tennessee Vijay Kumar on Jihad

First, Islam was conceived as a world empire to govern all mankind. It teaches that all the world, and everyone and everything in it, already belongs to Islam–some people just haven’t been made to understand that. Until they have, according to Islam, they are considered “infidels” and inferiors. Put another way, the Islamic view is that all of us in the world are subjects of the Islamic Empire, and those of us who do not acknowledge our subjugation to it must be overcome and brought to submission, through conversion or force. No other religion in the world has such a purpose of world conquest and domination.

Second, Islam does not allow any introspection or self-criticism. It calls for total acceptance, total submission. The very word “Islam” means “submission,” and the word “Muslim” means “one who submits.” The other side of submission, of course, is domination. Islam seeks to dominate every individual and every nation into submission. In that, it shares a key element of slavery, which the civilized world has properly decried and abolished. Such submission is a political act. I am a freeman, and I refuse to submit to Islamic hegemony.

Third, Islam does not have any exit policy for its believers. The act of submission required to become a Muslim is held to be final, irrevocable, and permanent. So criticizing or questioning Islam or its teachings or leaders, or attempting to leave Islam, all are considered severe crimes against Islam, punishable by death.

In contrast, non-Islamic religions allow for dissenting views, introspection, and reasoned debate. In non-Islamic religions, if you so choose, you can leave the faith you were born into without being threatened with physical violence or death. In Islam, both criticism of the faith and apostasy are capital offenses.

All of that is what drives Jihad: Jihad is a permanent war against the unbeliever and his land to bring about his submission. It has been going on for fourteen centuries all over the world, which is why I coined the term “Universal Jihad.” Islam’s Universal Jihad is the single greatest threat to Western civilization and to the entire non-Islamic world in general. It is more dangerous than Nazism and Communism combined.

via The Wrong Way to Fight Jihad.

Anyone from Tennesse?

His page is here.

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Balkans: Saudis fund Muslims spreading hate of the West

SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist groups in the Balkans, some of which spread hatred of the West and recruit fighters for jihad in Afghanistan.

According to officials in Macedonia, Islamic fundamentalism threatens to destabilise the Balkans. Strict Wahhabi and Salafi factions funded by Saudi organisations are clashing with traditionally moderate local Muslim communities.

Fundamentalists have financed the construction of scores of mosques and community centres as well as handing some followers up to £225 a month. They are expected not only to grow beards but also to persuade their wives to wear the niqab, or face veil, a custom virtually unknown in the liberal Islamic tradition of the Balkans.

via Islamization Watch: Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West.

Macedonia is monitoring more than 50 AQ terrorists in its territory and there are also several Islamic charities under scrutiny:

One of the groups under scrutiny is the International Islamic Relief Organisation from Saudi Arabia, which is on a United Nations blacklist of organisations backing terrorism. It did not respond to inquiries, but has previously denied involvement in terrorist activities, calling such claims “totally unfounded”.

Again and again. But then Islamic states complain about “the targetting of Muslims in some parts of the world“, passing a new resolution against the “defamation of religions” through the UNHRC.


  1. Islamic Relief Organisation linked to terrorism (
  2. The UN partners with terror (

Before: Bulgaria imposing Wahabbi Islam by force.

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UN: Resolution on "defamation of religions" passed

Very silently… just in case someone knows it’s being passed:

Allowed to copy and distribute
Image via Wikipedia

Some 20 countries voted in favour of the resolution entitled “combating defamation of religions”, 17 voted against and eight abstained.

Putting forward the resolution on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Pakistan’s ambassador Zamir Akram said that the specific references to Islam, the only religion mentioned in the text, “reflect the existing regrettable situation in some parts of the world where Muslims are being targeted.”

via Creeping Sharia.

Of course, non-Muslims are not targeted in the Muslim world, are they? HYPOCRITES…

No wonder US, EU and Japan voted against the initiative.

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Egypt: State Security Destroys Church, Assaults Pastor

Respect for other religions? My ass!!!

State security agents in the upper Egyptian city of Luxor destroyed an Anglican church and assaulted the church’s pastor when he tried to save the building last week.Pastor Mahrous Karam of the Anglican Church in Luxor reported that he was still negotiating with city authorities about replacing the community center building on the church’s compound the day before the demolition occurred. Authorities said they were still considering the options, according to Karam.

But the next morning, March 18, without warning, hundreds of security personnel blocked the road leading to the church and dragged the pastor’s family out of their residence. The pastor’s wife, Sabah, said two men used force to remove her from the home, including slapping her face, pulling her by her clothes, and dragging her by her hair.

They threatened that if I do not leave the place they would take my 3-year-old boy and throw him under the bulldozers which came for the demolition work,” she told Freecopts. “Twenty traumatized children were dragged out of the attached nursery and thrown into the church hall.”

via Egyptian Security Destroys Church, Assaults Pastor |

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Bulletin of the Oppression of Women March 10 – March 25, 2010

This is a blogpost written by Political ®. I have only added links to the posts written by me.

March 10, 2010Saudi Arabia
This report reviews the current attempts to reduce escalating conflicts over child bride marriages and in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
In Egypt religious conservatism is growing.

March 11, 2010
Federal immigration officials say there’s little they can do to stop “child brides” from being sponsored into Canada by much older husbands who wed them in arranged marriages abroad.
There have been over thirteen honor killings in two months in Palestine. (T&P post on this here).
A Christian girl working as housemaid was raped by the son of her Muslim employer. When she threatened to report him to police, she was burnt by the rapist and his sister. Also HERE. Continue reading

Baroness Deech (UK): Risks of cousin marriage not discussed for fear of offending Muslims

it is estimated that 55 per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins, and a third of children with recessive genetic disorders are born to that community.

Lady Deech says the number of cousin marriages among immigrants is likely to increase, as it helps families leave their home countries and join an existing support network in Britain.

“Thus widespread consanguineous marriage might be said to be a barrier to integration within the new broader democratic society in which the minority community has settled, and arguably to democracy as we know it abroad.”

Despite the dangers, however, Lady Deech will claim that there is a general aversion to discussing marriage between cousins in Britain, and that Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for Keighley, faced protests when she drew attention to Bradford’s high number of disabled babies called for the practice to be stopped.

“Forced marriage and polygamy are theoretically very much disapproved of in the UK, and yet there is some indication that the police and welfare workers are tending to play down the evils of these practices on cultural or religious grounds out of fear of offending a religious or ethnic minority in our multicultural society.

“In general, arguments about reproductive freedom and fear of being critical of minority practices are preventing society at large from facing up to certain problems.”

via Baroness Deech: Risks of cousin marriage not discussed for fear of offending Muslims – Telegraph.

It’s not discussed for fear of offending Muslims, and so more sons and daughters are born with recessive genetic disorders. Magnificent strategy.

For comments go to T&P 2.0.

Terrorism: an Spanish national defends before a Judge that "the Mujaheedins can never be terrorists"

And again this has nothing to do with race or nationality, it has just to do with Jihadist ideology:

A man accused of posting videos on the internet and of writing more than 1,500 comments on the web allegedly glorifying Al-Qaeda, Gonzalo López Royo, defended last Monday in a court hearing, that a “mujahideen can never be a terrorist“, because “Islam is the religion of peace“. He compared mujaheedins with “Bosnians who defended their home, their wife and their sons“.

State Prosecutor Teresa Sandoval has asked for an 18-months prison term for López Royo and for Fath Allah Sadaq, also at court hearing this Monday, for “glorifying, justifying and giving publicity to Islamist terrorist organizations, persons and deeds” since 2006 in an English-speaking website. Despite it being of restricted access, it had, at least, 1,300 users per year”, according to an expert from the Civil Guard. The defense attorney is asking for a full acquittal of both defendants.

Both websurfers, of Spanish and Moroccan nationality respectively, acknowledged they publicized comments and posted videos about Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and Islamic Jihad, although, according to Mr. López Royo’s statement, his intention “was not to support damaging anyone, but to comment news in a positive and constructive way, not glorifying anyone who is a bad guy”.

On the other hand, Mr. Allah Sadaq assured that he wanted to fight against “US censorship in the Iraqi war”, because Al-Qaeda was an interested part in the conflict and “also the only source of information”. He added he didn’t know he was committing a crime and that, when he knew it, he erased the images, three months before being arrested.

According to the State Prosecutor’s provisional conclusions, Mr. López Royo wrote about 1,500 comments claiming for the constitution of a Caiphate in Spain. He also acknowledged being the author of several drawings which were included in a video that Mr. Allah Sadaq made in June 2008 honoring Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda leader killed in Iraq.

During the court hearing, he pointed out that he was speaking of the “caliphate in an spiritual meaning“, because what he really defends is the “comeback of the old Spanish splendor“, in subjects like medicine, art or literature ( 😯 Was the caliphate the “old Spanish splendor”?).

Mr. López Royo, born in Zaragoza, assured that he is sided with the “families that suffer and the children that are killed”. He added that he wants to collaborate with some terrorists’ victims association to make everyone understand that he only wants to defend the victims. He also assured that he is “an Islam sympathiser” but that he is not a believer in Islam. “I condemn terrorism fully, ever (NOTE: except it is made by mujahideens who “can’t be terrorists”). I would be the first one to inform about a terrorist attack”, he underlined.

The State Prosecutor, later on, in her final conclusions, regarded as proved that both accused men “glorified, exalted and praised Al-Qaeda” and believes the accused’s allegations aren’t valid after the videos were seen on the hearing and the comments read.

Mr. López Royo’s defense attorney brought a psychiatric evalution which refers to the “mixed personality disorder” the accused has. The report also says that the accused “wanted to leave mediocrity and has failed” but underlined that he is “conscious of what he does but can’t conisder the implications of his deeds”.

The State Prosecutor remembered a post by Mr. López Royo, in which he mentions that “because of secutiry reasons, he would not post any personal drawing of Al-Qaeda in the webpage” told later that his drawing weren’t only simple portraits or cartoons and that when he worked about mujaheedins it was “obvious” he was glorifying them, so he was “very conscious” about what he was doing.

Mr. López Royo also told the judge in the hearing that since he was “10 year-old” he had been interested in geopolitical problems, reason why he had a lot of information in his home.

The accused, who used the nick “salaam 1420” and showed a photography of a man wielding an axe, fantasized in the website about being a “mujaheedins commander to maintain alive a prisoner during 30 seconds to see him swallowing his own blood”. He also said in another post that he had “bombed” his city with stickers that showed an AK-47 and encouraged “Maghrebi boys” to “support the troops” with the slogan “There is no god but Allah”.

He also posted four videos in the net dedicated to Chechen “guerrilla fighters”, the Muslims who are “suffering at the hands of the Infidels” in Afghanistan, Algeria (sic: are the Muslims suffering at the hands of the Infidels… in an Islamic state?) and Iraq and the “combattants” of the “Palestinian group Hamas”.

Mr. Allah Sadaq, on the other hand, made other videos in which he glorified terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden, Al-zarqawi and Al-Zawahiri and supported a terrorist attack by Jihadists in Ramada (Iraq). In his home, police found two books about Jihad’s teachings, dossiers about Al-Qaeda and drawings and cartoons related to ETA, GRAPO and other terrorist groups.

via Un español defiende en un juicio que “un muyahidín jamás puede ser un terrorista”.

Couldn’t this guy have left “mediocrity” by other means? :rol:

Comments on T&P 2.0.

Vilks' cartoons: Iranian Basij students call to suspend relations with Sweden

Iranian official news agency reports:

After Swedish newspapers republished a sacrilegious cartoon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Iranian Basij students call on the Foreign Ministry to suspend relations with Sweden.In a letter to Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Basij students from eight main universities in Tehran urged Iranian diplomatic authorities to swiftly cut ties with Sweden until Swedish officials apologize for the move and take meaningful measures against the insensitive media sources.

The letter said that Muslims have been suffering from such biased publicity by certain Western countries in the name of freedom and democracy. It described the move as a Westerm trend backed by the “international Zionism” in recent years and added that its aim was to violate the sanctity of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

We are witnessing the repeat of this nasty conspiracy by certain Swedish newspapers. They hold a grudge against the greatness of Islam and Qur’an,” it said.

via Iranian students urge suspension of ties with Sweden.


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Hamas Minister: "Jews are Bacteria, May He Anhilate This Filthy People"

MEMRI has the whole speech.

“[The Jews] suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors. A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder and pangs of conscience, because he took something that wasn’t his.
“They want to present themselves to the world as if they have rights, but, in fact, they are foreign bacteria – a microbe unparalleled in the world. It’s not me who says this. The Koran itself says that they have no parallel: ‘You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews.’
“May He annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience. I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings. They are not human beings. They are not people. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values.”

Abdallah Jarbu, Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments.

He is really meaning all the Jews, not the Zionists only. Not because Zionists should be anihilated but because Western press is normally blaming everything on the Zionists, as if the latter were the guys responsible of the present situation. As everyone can see, this guy is referring himself to all the Jews.

Thanks to No A Todo for the tip.

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