Canada: public school cafeteria allows Islamic prayers (UPD)

Take a look at this photograph. It appeared in The Toronto Star’s education section on Saturday:

It’s the scene every Friday at the cafeteria of Valley Park Middle School in Toronto. That’s not a private academy, it’s a public school funded by taxpayers. And yet, oddly enough, what’s going on is a prayer service – oh, relax, it’s not Anglican or anything improper like that; it’s Muslim Friday prayers, and the Toronto District School Board says don’t worry, it’s just for convenience: They put the cafeteria at the local imams’ disposal because otherwise the kids would have to troop off to the local mosque and then they’d be late for Lesbian History class or whatever subject is scheduled for Friday afternoon.

The picture is taken from the back of the cafeteria. In the distance are the boys. They’re male, so they get to sit up front at prayers. Behind them are the girls. They’re female, so they have to sit behind the boys because they’re second-class citizens – not in the whole of Canada, not formally, not yet, but in the cafeteria of a middle school run by the Toronto District School Board they most certainly are.

And the third row? The ones with their backs to us in the foreground of the picture? Well, let the Star’s caption writer explain:

At Valley Park Middle School, Muslim students participate in the Friday prayer service. Menstruating girls, at the very back, do not take part.


More at BCF.

Canada: New Chaldean eparchy created for Iraqi refugees

Pope Benedictus XVI

Image via Wikipedia

Pope Benedict XVI has established a Chaldean Catholic eparchy in Canada, and appointed Archbishop Hanna Zora as its first bishop.

The establishment of a new ecclesiastical jurisdiction reflects the continued emigration of Chaldean Catholics from Iraq and Iran. There are now nearly 40,000 Chaldeans living in Canada, many of them having fled Iraq in the past decade. Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk, Iraq, told Vatican Radio that while Chaldeans there welcomed the news of the new eparchy, “we are a little saddened by the continuing exodus from our land, where the Church has been present since the 5th century.”

More here.

Afghanistan: Abducted Canadian journalist dead

A woman journalist from Canada, who was abducted by militants in November 2008, has died following prolonged illness in the custody of the Taliban somewhere in northwest Pakistan or Afghanistan, sources said on Tuesday.

Khadija Abdul Qahar, 55, who was known as Beverly Giesbrecht before she converted to Islam, was abducted along with her translator Salman Khan and cook-cum-driver Zar Muhammad while travelling to Miranshah in the restive North Waziristan tribal region.

The three were abducted in the Bannu region of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province on November 11, 2008. Salman Khan and Zar Muhammad were released after eight months of captivity due to efforts made by the head of a religious party.

Khan disclosed after his release that Qahar was suffering from hepatitis and was mentally prepared for death.

She was not very optimistic about her release, he had then said.

via Abducted Canadian journalist dead: sources.

The Jawa Report adds:

Geisbrecht once published a website called “Jihad Unspun” under the name “Khadija Abdul Qahaar“. The website was pro-Taliban. I don’t mean this in the sense that many on the Left are pro-Taliban — they support any opponents of the US — I mean this in the literal sense: she and the website supported the Taliban.


Report: US didn’t support Canada for UNSC

A former official with the U.S. delegation to the U.N. revealed recently a major reason why Canada lost its bid last week to gain a seat on the Security Council. Richard Grenell, a former press officer, said the American delegation deliberately sat on its hands during the run up to the vote that ended in a defeat for a staunch ally of Israel and America’s closest neighbour.

“U.S. State Department insiders say that U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice not only didn’t campaign for Canada’s election but instructed American diplomats to not get involved in the weeks leading up to the heated contest,” Grenell reported on a Foxnews website.

If true, this would be just another manifestation of the Obama administration’s anti-Israel bias. The Canadian Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is known as Israel’s staunchest ally in the West and, as a strong, unabashed ally of the Jewish state, the Harper government has steadfastly refused to “water down” its foreign policy just to please the U.N.’s anti-Israeli petty dictators and tyrants and to win the seat. To prove its commitment to its principled stance, on the day before last week’s vote Canada announced it was strengthening its trading relationship with Israel.

via Abandoning our Closest Allies | FrontPage Magazine.

Then US will protest about other countries abandoning them…

Canada: Bill to restrict niqab scrutinized in Quebec

Bill to restrict niqab scrutinized:

“A National Assembly committee analyzing Bill 94, which would make it illegal for Islamic women to wear the niqab in government offices, schools and hospitals, resumes sitting Tuesday. The hearing will hear from experts on the topic.

Quebec Justice Minister Jean-Marc Fournier has said the bill is “balanced.” But the Parti Quebecois has called for a ban on all ostentatious religious signs, including the hijab Islamic head covering, in the public sector and finds Bill 94 too meek. Islamic groups say Bill 94 singles them out and is discriminatory.”

Canada: On the need to tackle Islamist influence inside prisons

Getting ahead of prison radicalization – The Globe and Mail

More Canadians have been imprisoned on terrorism-related crimes in the past 18 months than used to face such charges over decades. Since October, 2008, 14 Canadians have been found guilty of terror-related acts. Some, like Momin Khawaja, Said Namouh, and Zakaria Amara are likely to spend decades behind bars. If, during that time, they convince even one other inmate to adopt their violent ideology, would their original convictions still be touted as a resounding counterterrorism success? To ensure that getting one terrorist off Canada’s streets does not inadvertently breed two others, we need a counterterrorism strategy that includes our prison policy.

Of course we must adapt U.S. and European lessons to the demographic, cultural and religious specifics of Canadian life; patterns that affect the spread of extremist ideologies within our society in general also affect prisons. But with that in mind, Correctional Service Canada (CSC) should follow the lead of its European counterparts by producing a prison guide on indicators of radicalization and establishing an extremism unit to monitor trends.

We must also deny extremists access to other inmates by a combination of containing radicals within one prison facility, segregating them from the wider population in regular prisons (and from one another) and displacing them frequently within the system. But we must also be alert to convicts who turn away from a terrorist past, because they can help combat the spread of radical ideas to other inmates. It requires a sophisticated understanding of our terrorist prison population and detailed assessments of each inmate.

Canada: Muslim women can be veiled in courtrooms

A Canadian court issued a ruling today on whether Muslim women can be forced to remove their niqab while testifying and, lo and behold, both sides of the debate are happy. That’s because the Ontario Court of Appeal determined that a witness is allowed to refuse to bare her face unless — unless! — the fairness of the trial depends on it. The judges’ ruling reads in part:

There is no getting around the reality that in some cases, particularly those involving trial by jury where a witness’s credibility is central to the outcome, a judge will have a difficult decision to make. If, in the specific circumstances, the accused’s fair trial right can be honoured only by requiring the witness to remove the niqab, the niqab must be removed if the witness is to testify.

A 32-year-old Muslim woman, who accused her cousin and uncle of sexual abuse when she was a child, sparked the ruling when she refused to remove her veil on the stand. Her lawyer argued, “Really, it’s all about making people feel welcome in our judicial system at a time when they’re undergoing significant stress — for example, by being a complainant in a sexual assault case.” Indeed, a blanket courtroom ban on veiling could cause Muslim women to avoid the justice system altogether.


Canada: Defense Minister cancelled public speech by imam because his organization is "too extremist"

Peter McKay
Defence Minister Peter MacKay has cancelled a public talk by the executive director of the Canadian Islamic Congress, saying his organization is too “extremist.”
The Defence Department didn’t tell Imam Zijad Delic about the cancellation of Monday’s event at National Defence headquarters to mark Islamic History Month. He first heard of it when reporters called him. Delic said he was shocked at the news, especially since he had given a public speech at Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 2008.
The Defence Department’s visible minority advisory group had arranged the small event for Monday morning at the National Defence headquarters. Folk dancers from Bosnia and Herzegovina were to perform for 30 minutes; Delic was to speak for 20 minutes; and then there would be more cultural demonstrations.
Zijad Delic
Instead, MacKay’s office released a terse statement late Friday saying: “Minister MacKay took the decision to cancel the imam’s role based on extremist views promulgated by the Canadian Islamic Congress (which) has declared that Israelis over the age of 18 are legitimate targets of suicide bombers. These types of comments don’t support Islamic Heritage, they simply divide Canadians, promulgate hate and they have no place in Monday’s celebrations. Instead, Monday’s celebrations will focus on the evolution of Islam in the Canadian Forces and the positive contribution of Canada’s Muslim community to our society.”

Freedom of expression: Lars Vilks on Canada, US trip

Mohammed drawn as a dog by L. Vilks.
Lars Vilks, a conceptual artist from Sweden with a $100,000 bounty on his head, could be found secreted away in a room at the Rittenhouse Hotel Thursday morning, receiving carefully screened visitors from the media.
Vilks is on a weeklong tour of the United States and Canada, speaking about freedom of expression. He had been scheduled to hold forth at the Union League Thursday, but late Wednesday, the event was abruptly called off.
Craig Snider, a Union League member who was hosting the speaker, said that after he realized the visit would require extraordinary security measures to protect Vilks, his associates, and anyone in attendance, “I voluntarily canceled it. I was not prepared to ask the league to take that kind of risk.”
Instead, he invited members of the local media to interview Vilks at the Rittenhouse.
The artist’s appearance in Ottawa was also called off, but, as of Thursday, stops in Toronto and Boston were still scheduled.
He says he has no regrets after drawing a series of sketches of Mohammed as a dog. But there is a fatwa who offers $150,000 if he is killed with a knife and $100,000 if any other method to kill him is used.

India: plot to kidnap or target British athletes, fans in CWG averted

A plot to target or kidnap British athletes and fans coming to India for the 2010 Commonwealth Games has emerged over their country’s support to the war in Afghanistan.

Security sources have warned of “specific intelligence” about a threat by an unnamed Al Qaeda-linked group to take hostages in front of a global television audience.

Reports emerging from Australia suggest a number of countries are worried but will not upgrade travel warnings for fear of angering India.

They said citizens of Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand could be targets of a snatch attempt because their countries supported the war in Afghanistan.

Australia has asked fans not to wear national colours and in Britain it has emerged that security forces will work with counterparts from Canada, Australia and New Zealand to protect athletes at every venue.

It is a serious situation. There is specific intelligence about an attempted hostage snatch. People travelling to India, and particularly Delhi, need to be aware of the risks,” The Daily Express quoted a source, as saying.

There are also concerns about Pakistani group Lashker-e-Taiba (LeT) getting into the act, after Michael Leiter, director of the US National Counter-Terrorism Centre, told the US Senate the games would make “an appealing target“.

Background: Jihadis appear near CWG.

Canada: Secular Muslims Comment on Tarik Ramadan’s doublespeak

Tariq Ramadan (at table, right) speaking in Ox...Tariq Ramadan, at table, speaking in Oxford. Image via Wikipedia

Salim Mansur on National Post:

Tariq skilfully works to reassure the West he is a Muslim reformer at home politically and culturally in Europe, and Islam is as much Western as a result of Muslim immigration in recent decades as is Christianity and Judaism. He speaks in the tongue of Montesquieu and Rousseau, and invites his Western liberal audience to extend the same courtesy of recognition and respect to Muslims as Christians and Jews. But as the grandson of Al-Banna he speaks to his Muslim audiences the language of his grandfather and father, promotes Islamism and questions the faith of those Muslims who reject it unconditionally. Moreover as a protégé and ally of the Qatar-based MB leader Sheikh al-Qaradawi – notorious for his 2003 Islamist ruling that suicide attacks against Israelis are lawful – Tariq has much dissembling to do to confound his Western audience.

Caroline Fourest, a French journalist who has studied the written and spoken words of Tariq over several years, has written the most detailed biography titled Frere Tariq (an English translation as Brother Tariq is now available). Fourest’s work is invaluable in revealing the adroitness of Tariq hoodwinking Western politicians and journalists, and making them accomplices of MB’s strategy to be recognized as the sole authoritative representative of Islam while spreading Islamism among Muslims in the West.

Tariq counters the charge of doublespeak is evidence of Islamophobia (fear of Islam) in the West. He is abetted in this by the politics of multiculturalism and political correctness, and what is considered to be the requirements of diplomacy between the West and the Muslim world, especially the oil-producing Arab states.

But Muslims with tragic experiences of devastations wrought by Islamism are keenly aware of Tariq’s doublespeak as he engages in family business. Doublespeak and dissembling are the effects when someone strives to reconcile the irreconcilable as Tariq does in insisting on the compatibility of liberal democracy based on individual rights with the requisites of shariah-based rule.

It is truly bizarre that America’s liberal-left organizations sponsored Tariq Ramadan to speak within the hallowed walls of the Cooper Union. How bizarre this is would be to imagine a descendant of Jefferson Davis invited to speak in defence of his confederacy politics from where Lincoln spoke. And the situation is compounded when Islamist organizations, such as the Muslim Association of Canada, invite Tariq to speak at fund-raising events as those recently held in Ottawa and Montreal.

From Canadian blog Poste de Vieille, several Muslims speak on Islamist Tarik Ramadan. Really interesting videos. MUST SEE.

Tarek Fatah: Journalist and TV host, author of “Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State”. In 2007, Canada’s National Press Club and the Canadian Newspaper Association honored Fatah with the Press Freedom Award. In 2007, he was selected by Macleans Magazine as one of Canada’s fifty most well known and respected personalities, from journalists to politicians, offering their comments on the issues of the day.
“Welcoming” Tariq Ramadan, the Islamist (2/5) – Tarek Fatah
Cargado por pointdebascule. – Mira las noticias más recientes en video.

Salim Mansur PhD: An Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario, he contributes to numerous publications where he presents analysis on the Muslim world, Islam, South Asia, Middle East and foreign policy. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Center for Islamic Pluralism based in Washington, D.C. and a Senior Fellow with the Canadian Coalition for Democracies. He has been an academic consultant with the Center for Security Policy (Washington D.C) and CIDA and the author of Islam’s Predicament Perspectives Of A Dissident Muslim
“Welcoming” Tariq Ramadan, the Islamist (4/5) – Salim Mansur
Cargado por pointdebascule. – Las últimas noticias en video.

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is the President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD). Dr. Jasser is the immediate-Past President of the Arizona Medical Association (ArMA) and also chairs the Bioethics Committee for Banner Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. Dr. Jasser has participated in a number of academic panels and given a number of speeches on Islam, Islamism, and democracy at the Hudson Institute. He is one of the moderate, anti-Islamist Muslims featured in the controversial PBS film, Islam v Islamists produced by ABG
“Welcoming” Tariq Ramadan, the Islamist (1/5) – Zuhdi Jasser
Cargado por pointdebascule. – Mira las noticias más recientes en video.

Nasser Khader: A member of the Parliament of Denmark, a Danish citizen of Syro-Palestinian origin and the founder of Muslim Democrats of Denmark. In 2006, he received the Prize for Freedom of Expression Award by the Jyllandsposten (the Danish newspaper that published the Muhammad). In 2007, he received the International Prize Committee Laïcity Republic, France.
“Welcoming” Tariq Ramadan, the Islamist (3/5) – Naser Khader
Cargado por pointdebascule. – Mira las noticias más recientes en video.


  1. Clinton lifts ban on Ramadan.
  2. Ramadan allowed entry.
  3. Ramadan: “Let’s not talk about Muslims integrating”.

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Somalia: Al-Shabab training children to "kill infidels"

The terrorist group, with links to Al-Qaeda, is training children to “kill infidels”, as a new released video shows:

Framegrab from a video which allegedly shows former Toronto resident Omar Hammami indoctrinating young children and telling them to become martyrs in Somalia

“Do you know who I will kill with this gun?” a little boy says into the video camera, waving his toy pistol.
“Who will you kill with this gun?” the cameraman asks.
“The infidels.”
The scene appears in a new video by the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab that shows the Somali militant group indoctrinating children, some of whom appear to be toddlers.
Among those seen in the 28-minute video urging the children to fight and become “martyrs” is a former Toronto resident, Omar Hammami, alias Abu Mansour the American.
The video, distributed on the Internet this week by Al-Shabab‘s propaganda arm, shows a “children’s fair” hosted by Al-Shabab leaders. The boys and girls, identified as the children of “martyrs,” are given balloons and snacks and rewarded with toy guns for correctly identifying the late leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, from a picture.

Terrible, hein? Instead of plyting with toys, these boys are taught to dream about killing infidels. And they kill them afterwards: indoctrination from this age is so powerful.

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Sports: hijabs and bears ruled out…. generally

170 pxImage via Wikipedia

Several days ago, the Olympic Committee banned Iranian football team to play in Youth Olympics because they were wearing the hijab. Islamist Watch posts about the dressing issue at sports:

Relative to most areas of public life, the sports community has proven quite resistant to demands that Islam be accommodated, perhaps because the integrity of competition requires that fixed rules apply to all. FIFA, the global governing body of soccer, is the latest to just say no:

The secretary-general of Iran‘s National Olympic Committee has called on Muslim countries to protest the world soccer body’s ban on headscarves for women during the Youth Olympic Games this summer.

Bahram Afsharzadeh has said that FIFA’s decision to forbid the Iranian women’s football team from wearing headscarves during the games in Singapore is a violation of Muslims’ rights and shows disregard for “issues such as nationality, religion, and race.”

The decision also creates “obstacles on their part in the way of women’s progress,” the hard-line Fars news agency quoted Afsharzadeh as saying.

Yes, a representative of Iran’s theocracy decried “obstacles … in the way of women’s progress.” But FIFA’s rules trump his protestations. They stipulate that “basic compulsory equipment,” which does not include headgear, “must not contain any political, religious, or personal statements.” Moreover, “a player may use equipment other than the basic equipment provided that its sole purpose is to protect him physically and it poses no danger to him or any other player.” So even if one disagrees that an Islamic headscarf, by nature, carries a religious message, good luck arguing that its function is to prevent soccer-related injuries.

This is not the first time that hijabs have stirred controversy in sports. Three years ago, the International Football Association Board, which writes the rules that FIFA enforces, refused to cave after the Quebec Soccer Federation announced that “the wearing of the Islamic veil or any other religious item is not permitted.” In addition, the Swiss basketball association ProBasket told a player set to debut in a regional league last year that she could not don a hijab on the court, noting that the world governing body FIBA prohibits religious symbols or head coverings.

And while female Muslim boxers can wear hijabs at the 2012 Olympics, male counterparts in the UK have yet to win religious accommodation of their own. Muslims and Sikhs are attempting to overturn the Amateur Boxing Association of England’s newly comprehensive ban on beards, enacted because “facial hair can cause abrasions to opponents’ faces … and most importantly doctors say clean-shaven athletes allow them to see cuts.”

We close with a tragic tale of Islamic attire and sports. A woman was killed last week in Australia when her clothing, variously described as a burqa or hijab, got caught by the axle of a go-kart that she was driving. Signs at the track reportedly “outline a number of rules, including appropriate footwear for drivers, but do not mention scarves or other forms of head-dress.” If they had, a Muslim’s life could have been saved — despite the inevitable charges of anti-Muslim bigotry that such restrictions would have provoked.

I have copied it in its entirety because I really believe it’s all worth reading. This is not a matter of  bigotry or something similar: it’s one of equality. If no one can compete with clothes which could be deemed religious, no one can, whatever the anger they can feel.

I insist that the ban should have been done before, in the moment they applied for their place at the Olympics. But that’s not the point: the point is that if you don’t comply with certain specific norms, you can’t compete.

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Canada: Anti-Semites Attempt Machete Murder of Israel Supporters

An apparent attempted murder of pro-Israel students was reported in In Ottawa, Canada, on Monday. Two students – one Israeli and the other pro-Israel % – were assaulted by a group of about 10 people, one of whom hurled a machete that just missed the head of one of the victims.

…Nick Bergamini, 22, vice-president of the Carleton University Students’ Association, and his Israeli roommate Mark Klibanov, 20, were leaving the Le Volt bar on Promenade du Portage when the group of anti-Semites began yelling at them in English and Arabic, calling them ‘Zionists’ and ‘Jews.’

…As they walked through a parking lot, however, a car with three men inside pulled up beside them.

“One of them rolled down the window and said: ‘I am the one who hit you, you f—— Jew,’” Bergamini told the Citizen. “Two guys came out of the car, and one of them tried to kick my roommate. One attacker said, ‘Open the trunk,’ and another guy pulled out a machete that glinted in the street lights. I yelled that they had weapons, and we started running as fast as we could. I saw the guy wind up with the machete as I looked back.”

Klibanov said the machete missed the back of Bergamini’s head by about a foot as they ran across the bridge to Ottawa and escaped their assailants.”

via Ottawa: Anti-Semites Attempt Machete Murder of Israel Supporters – Jewish World – Israel News – Israel National News.

Interview with Mr. Bergamini:

(via and via).

Related: Bergamini’s facebook page.

Pacifists, hein?

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Bulletin of the Oppression of Women March 10 – March 25, 2010

This is a blogpost written by Political ®. I have only added links to the posts written by me.

March 10, 2010Saudi Arabia
This report reviews the current attempts to reduce escalating conflicts over child bride marriages and in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
In Egypt religious conservatism is growing.

March 11, 2010
Federal immigration officials say there’s little they can do to stop “child brides” from being sponsored into Canada by much older husbands who wed them in arranged marriages abroad.
There have been over thirteen honor killings in two months in Palestine. (T&P post on this here).
A Christian girl working as housemaid was raped by the son of her Muslim employer. When she threatened to report him to police, she was burnt by the rapist and his sister. Also HERE. Continue reading

Quebec: New Law forbids niqab on communication and identification grounds

{{en}}Women in Adana (Turkey) wearing the niqa...
Image via Wikipedia

Muslim women will be forced to uncover their faces if they want services from the Quebec government, according to landmark legislation tabled Wednesday in the province.

In tabling the bill, Quebec delves into sensitive territory where governments in Canada have largely avoided treading: setting hard-and-fast rules for accommodating minorities.

The bill says people obtaining – or delivering – services at places like the health-or auto-insurance boards will need to do so with their faces in plain view.

Face-coverings won’t be tolerated if they hinder communication or visual identification.

Premier Jean Charest characterized the legislation as a defence of two valued principles, gender equality and secular public institutions.

via The West, Islam and Sharia: Quebec: New Law — No Niqab “Two words: Uncovered face”.

This is a good decision. There has been several crimes which have been unresolved precisely because no one could recognise the person inside burqas/niqabs. Of course, Muslim groups have predicted “disastrous results” if this is passed. They say that they “will isolate more this women”. So that means they are isolated now. Not shocked anyhow, no one wants to be speaking with someone who can be Fathima or Achmed… Smiley

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Generation Jihad Episode 2

Episode 1 is here.

Continue reading

Canada: Toronto 18 terrorist freed after being sentenced to time already served

Jahmaal James pleaded guilty on Friday to having gone to Pakistan to obtain paramilitary training for the benefit of the so-called Toronto 18 and was to be set free after being sentenced to time served.

The now 26-year-old admitted in a Brampton court that he was part of a terrorist group that intended to cause violent jihad.

After entering his plea of guilt, the Scarborough man, who has been in pre-trial custody since June 2006, was sentenced by Justice Bruce Durno to seven years and credited with time served.

As part of a joint submission, the judge imposed a three-year probation period, a lifetime weapons prohibition and ordered James to provide a DNA sample.

James, who converted from Christianity to Islam, chose not to address the near-empty court.

More information: 2006 Toronto terrorism case.

Australia and Canada: More gang-rapes

Certainly no recent news:

When a number of teenage Australian girls were subjected to hours of sexual degradation during a spate of gang rapes in Sydney that occurred between 1998 and 2002, the perpetrators of these assaults framed their rationale in ethnic terms. The young victims were informed that they were “sluts” and “Aussie pigs” while they were being hunted down and abused.

So when I read this (via):

Middle Eastern

Two youths (who are described as “Middle Eastern”, an euphemism very broadly used in Australia to describe Muslims, as most of them come from the area) are wanted by police over the sexual assault of a teenage girl at a western Sydney shopping centre on Christmas Eve. …”The girl went with the males to a nearby shopping centre where she was taken to a fire stairwell in a car park on level seven,” police said in a statement.

And this:

In the first case of sexual assault in the New Year, the five men allegedly gang-raped the women in their early 20s in their hotel in downtown Toronto on New Year’s Day.They had met the two women at a New Year’s party in the city. At the end of the party at 3 a.m., the five men accompanied the women uninvited to their hotel in the heart of the city where they overpowered them and allegedly gang-raped them….. And they fled after the sexual assault.

But they were identified by the women from the photos taken at the event. When their pictures appeared on TV channels and in newspapers, the five men surrendered to police Wednesday.

I just think: this is far from over.

Canada: Islam Convert Associated with Al-Shabab Spent Year in Toronto

This Al-Amriki's photo appeared in a video made by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) on behalf of the al Shabaab terrorists in Somalia.

This Al-Amriki's photo appeared in a video made by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) last April on behalf of the al Shabaab terrorists in Somalia.

One of the most visible leaders of an Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist militia in Somalia spent a year in Toronto ingratiating himself into the Somali immigrant community as a convert to Islam.Omar Hammami – known to followers as Abu Mansour “Al-Amriki” (the American) – ate at Somali restaurants and prayed in Somali mosques. He married a Toronto woman of Somali origin and had a daughter with her.

Then, after learning Somali ways, he left to join the Horn of Africa’s top terror group, Al-Shabab, to wage Islamic jihad and recruit other foreign nationals to the cause, say former friends and relatives speaking publicly of the terrorist’s Toronto connections for the first time.

“He betrayed us,” says a former friend who worked with Hammami at a Weston Rd. pizzeria. “For a man to be saying that, Islamically, it is okay to be killing innocent people – and yesterday you fed him bread and welcomed him into your houses – it kind of shatters you.”

via Women Against Shariah: Islam Convert Associated with Al-Shabab Spent Year in Toronto.

Abu Mansour Al-Amriki @ Wikipedia.

Photo: The Jawa Report. From that post:

A week after the 9/11 attacks, a young Muslim at South Alabama University told the school’s newspaper it was “difficult to believe a Muslim could have done this.”

Now, eight years later, he is professing to launch attacks himself and calling on others to join the fight, as terror-related charges await him at home in Alabama, FOX News has learned exclusively.

..He was born Omar Hammami in May 1984, and he grew up outside Mobile, Ala., in the city of Daphne.

So, as Osama couldn’t have done 9/11, he goes to be a terrorist, instead of examplifying a peaceful life. What an admirable logic!