Afghanistan: Taliban is a London cab driver

We were asked to wait for the district chief in the house of a burly, bearded man who spoke passable English with a hint of a London accent. For most of the time he lived in east London, he said, but he came to Afghanistan for three months of the year to fight. He was a mullah and had the rank of a mid-level Taliban commander.

I work as a minicab driver there,” he said. “I make good money, you know. But these people are my friends and my family and it’s my duty to come to fight the jihad with them.

There are many people like me in London,” he added. “We collect money for the jihad all year and come and fight if we can.”

via The Taliban troop with an east London cab driver in its ranks | World news | The Guardian.

Solution? If we discover you’re jihading with your colleagues, better buy a one-way ticket, because you’re not going to enter this country again. Yes it’s difficult to prove that, but I’m sure there are patterns to discover the “covered” life these guys are having… You know, who would have allowed someone living in the US going to Germany to fight for the Nazis three months a year and then coming back to send them some money for their fight? 😯

5 comments on “Afghanistan: Taliban is a London cab driver

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ღThe Divine Romanceღ and AIC, Claudia. Claudia said: Afghanistan: Taliban is a London cab driver: […]

  2. jajajajajaja,… awesome. like in canada but overhere they have business too.

    • Claudia says:

      Yes, Laz, I don’t think this is the only guy who does this. In fact his brother is a cleric and he lives the same… as the article says too. 🙄
      I guess they go there to have some “adventure”, because being a cabby driver is not exciting enought. 😆

      • Bob Mack says:

        “who would have allowed someone living in the US going to Germany to fight for the Nazis three months a year and then coming back to send them some money for their fight?”

        Who? Name any current Democrat in Washington, D.C.

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