UK: Tower Hamlets’ Lutfur Rahman puts fundamentalist sympathiser in charge of the money

The four posts (in Tower Hamlets’ council) Lutfur has filled are all from the ranks of the councillors who defected from Labour to him before the election. They include Alibor Choudhury, a man with even closer links than Lutfur to the Muslim supremacist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe. Alibor has, incredibly, been given the key post of cabinet member for resources – that is, he will be in charge of the money.

Alibor was previously manager of one of the IFE’s front organisations, a drugs project called Nafas. In a tape-recorded interview with my colleague Ted Jeory, the IFE’s own president at the time, Muhammad Habibur Rahman, admitted that Alibor had “associations with” the IFE. Alibor also has a deeply unsavoury past. In 2006, he stood trial in connection with a gang attack. The trial was halted at the committal stage. Alibor says this was because of “abuse of process,” though he has always refused to discuss with me what the “abuse” actually was. Others say it was halted because key witnesses refused to give evidence.

via Lutfur Rahman puts fundamentalist sympathiser in charge of the money – Telegraph Blogs.

This happens two days after, it was known that the council is promoting a preacher who supports wife-beating:

The preacher, Abdur Raheem Green, has stated that “Islam is not compatible with democracy.” He also says that a husband has the right to administer “some type of physical force… a very light beating” to his wife, to prevent her from committing “evil.”


UK: Islamist organization receives funds secretly.
UK: Charity praised by PM and Prince Charles, linked to Hamas
IFE supported Ratman Lutfur wins on Tower Hamlets: 12, 3.

2 comments on “UK: Tower Hamlets’ Lutfur Rahman puts fundamentalist sympathiser in charge of the money

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AIC, Claudia. Claudia said: UK: Tower Hamlets' Lutfur Rahman puts fundamentalist sympathiser in charge of the money: […]

  2. […] IFE supported Ratman Lutfur wins on Tower Hamlets: 1, 2, 3. UK: Tower Hamlets Luftur Rahman puts fundamentalist sympathiser in charge of the money. […]

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