I’ve been ambushed! Seven things I love

Yes, I’ve been ambushed by Maggie, who explains what I should do after the (oooohhhhhhhhhh Emeete Ambush) ambush!:

Now I have to tell you about 7 things that I love and then tag 7 of my friends to do the same. I’m going to play this a bit differently because all of us will probably say we love our God, we love our family, we love our country, we love our friends, or some variation of this, and we all love to blog, so I’ll say those are my first loves, and here are the next 7.

Great idea. So these are my 7 loves:

  1. Reading. Specially crime novels and Jane Austen’s.
  2. Rational people. People who want to find solutions to problems, who think with their minds LOOK AT MEH THINK (God has given the intellect for something…) and not with their toes.
  3. The beach. Don’t like getting suntanned, but really love the beach.
  4. Blogging. Heh. If not, I would not being doing this. You always meet some asshole in the way, but most people are decent and rational. Just because of them, it merits the fight.
  5. Listening to music. Very irregular about taste: don’t like a group or a singer, but rather some special songs. A recommendation: Tina Turner, we don’t need another hero and what’s love gots to do with it (no, I don’t like her hairstyle in both songs…). Beethoven. Aranjuez’s Concert And Albinoni’s Adagio.
  6. Very Irresistible de Givenchy. 😆
  7. :paint:Any painting by Murillo and Greco and The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon by Burne-Jones.

Albinoni’s Adagio: really melancholic and sad piece but a masterpiece Notemoticons 2:

Aranjuez’s Concert, the epitome of Spanish classical guitar :Guitar::

So now, I have to ambush some fellow bloggers, that either I have known for some time or had commented here and that I don’t know they have anything against doing memes. So there you go:

  1. Velvet Hammer.
  2. AOW.
  3. Angel.
  4. Tabatha.
  5. Solstice Witch.
  6. Xanthippa.
  7. Vicki.

Emeete AmbushAmbushed!

15 comments on “I’ve been ambushed! Seven things I love

  1. […] This post was Twitted by teaandpolitics […]

  2. This is a GOOD ambush.

    My posts are queued up for several days. But I’ll get to this by next weekend.

  3. Lovely list T&P. I suggest your ambushees come back by and leave their url in comments. That should have been in the meme but it wasn’t and I forgot about it.

    I then link each one inside my own list.

    Neither video is working for me. when I click, nothing happens. I’ll come back by and try laters.

  4. Angel says:

    lol ok girl I will try to find time..ha 😉

    • T&P says:

      if you can’t, it’s OK… 😆 It’s summer and there are better things to do than “ambush” people… 😛

  5. Hiya,,

    Cool!! I came over to learn more.

    Looks like fun!!! GRIN!!


    • T&P says:

      Learn? Lord, I’m no teacher, really 😀

      Yeah, these things are funnier than the subject of the blog… 😛 And it’s good to have some fun sometimes! 😆

  6. View the videos. Thanks much. Beautiful!

  7. xanthippa says:

    I LOVE Albinoni’s Adagio!!!!

    It’s one of those pieces of music that always makes the ‘Chi’ flow through my limbs!

  8. […] during my absence, I have been ‘tagged’:  now, I am supposed to list the 7 things I like!  And, since this is something I can do without […]

  9. […] Karen @ The Lonely Conservative TT @ Tea and Politics Obi’s […]

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