Spain: Spanish city’s official calendar excludes Catholic holidays but includes Islamic ones (U, 2)

Yeah, you always know one (million)...

Yeah, you always know one (million)...

Of course, the Major is a Socialist:

In Logroño there is shock at the publication by the local town council of a peculiar calendar, in which the Muslim celebrations are displayed but not the Catholic ones. For example, Oct 12th, Holiday of Our Lady of the Pilar is blank, but Feb 25th is underlined as Mohammed’s birth. Thirty thousand calendars have been delivered.

via – Logroño reparte su calendario oficial en el que destacan las celebraciones musulmanas y excluyen las católicas.


Other days that do not appear are Epyphany Day (Jan 6th), Our Lady of the Pilar (Spain’s Patroness, Oct 12th), both of them holidays in our country, and Dec. 25th appears as “Christmas”, but, unlike in Mohammed’s case, there is no mention to Christ’s birth. The day of Inmacuate Conception (Dec. 8th) also a national holiday, is just for the calendar, a “celebration of Pharmacists’ Official School”.

Related: Grotesca arremetida laicista del PSOE en Logroño, eliminando las fiestas cristianas @

(U) Not the only ones I’m afraid. Florida Calendar has replaced Pearl Harbour’s remembrance day with Islamic New Year’s. The difference of course is that this Florida Calendar has been issued by a supermarkets’ chain, while Logroño’s one has been issued by the local council.

Meanwhile Spanish image in foreign lands, thanks to Socialist economic disaster, gets worse each day. Portuguese blog Blasfëmias writes:

A Catalan journalist asks Zapatero a question: “With your performance these last years, do you think you have any credibility to promise an economic recovery for Europe?” The she goes on to remind everyone of some shameful numbers. Zapatero answers with some contempt. He is irritated with the question and says that the journalist is “Spanish”. He answers like he knows, bad.

But we will know when Mohammed was born… :stupid: revamp

(U,2): Etimologías:

What can we say about this initiative? Firstly, Logroño must be a priviledged city in every aspect. When the town council spends time in these things is because the city shouldn’t have any other problems, like unemployment. Secondly, it’s possible that this calendar’s authors think they are very modern with these bright ideas. Huge error. This is not the first time that the dates and holidays are changed. For example, in the French Revolution, even the month were changed.


There are 2,509 Pakistani nationals living in Logroño. If we compare that number with the Europeans living in the city, the percentage of the Pakistanis is even smaller; but the town council has marked in its official calendar Aug 15th, as the Day of Pakistani Independence. Only the EU residents in the city are above 7,100.

It’s necessary to note that AUG 15th is traditionally a holiday in Spain: it’s the day of the Asumption of Virgin Mary, something which is also not marked in the calendar.

7 comments on “Spain: Spanish city’s official calendar excludes Catholic holidays but includes Islamic ones (U, 2)

  1. Elentir says:

    Thanks for the link. 😉

  2. My dear,

    Great blog, this one of yours.

    Do you speak/understand portuguese?

    About the “Nativity” word: I’m not spanish, but in Spain, the word “Navidad” (Nativity) is the word used to say “Christmas”.

    Best wishes,

    • Claudia says:

      Welcome, Luis. Thanks for the praise and the correction. You’re right: Christmas is better than Nativity, the latter being more proper to describe the Church of Nativity, although their meaning is very similar.

      I can understand Portuguese, though I can’t speak nor write it.

      Best wishes to you too!

  3. Damned political correctness or some such.

    This is particularly disturbing in Spain, which had to fight the Reconquest.

    • Claudia says:

      No, this is not only PC, AOW. It’s more a campaign against Christianity as a whole, as a values’ system that opposes to Socialism. As in Spain the more important branch of Christianity is Catholicism, they are just against it. But supressing Christmas Day is not only disturbing for Catholics, but for all Christians.

      The new islamist party in Spain is called “Revival and Unity”. It looks like our descendants will have to go on “Reconquest 2.0” mode.

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