IRAN: French Govt requires freedom of teacher arrested on spying charges

A  French 23-yr-old University student has been accused of being a spy by Iranian Govt and has been arrested in Iranian notorious prison of Evin in Teheran since July 1st. La France exige la libération d'une jeune universitaire accusée d'espionnage

“If we have understood it correctly, she has been accused of being a spy. Taking some photos with a portable phone: that was it all about. That’s not spying, that can’t be considered as spying, acoording to French FM Kouchner.

via IRAN : La France exige la libération d’une jeune universitaire accusée d’espionnage, actualité Société : Le Point.

Hmm, now we are going to see myriads of Muslims demonstrating against the unjust treatment of this woman by the Ayatollahs…

UK: ‘If you choose to live in this country, you live by its rules’

A fanatic who once paraded his baby in an ‘I love Al Qaeda’ hat was yesterday jailed for firebombing the home of the publisher of a novel about Mohammed.LIFE-US-BRITAIN-MOHAMMAD

Sentencing Ali Beheshti (left), 41, and two accomplices to four and a half years, Mrs Justice Rafferty told them: ‘If you choose to live in this country, you live by its rules.’

‘There is no such thing as “a la carte citizenship” and, in your case, there is no such thing as “a la carte obedience” to the law.’

Beheshti, a follower of hate cleric Abu Hamza, poured diesel through the letterbox of Martin Rynja’s £2.5million house and set it alight to ‘punish’ him for agreeing to release The Jewel of Medina, a fictional account of the Prophet’s child bride.

Beheshti achieved notoriety three years ago at a protest against Danish cartoons of Mohammed when he was photographed with his 18-month-old daughter, Farisa, whom he had dressed in a pink bonnet celebrating Al Qaeda.

Beheshti, who has a previous conviction for the attempted murder of his father, described her to reporters as the youngest member of the network.

Accomplices: Abrar Mirza, Abbas Taj and Ali Beheshti (l-r) were sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail each

Last September, with accomplices Abrar Mirza, 23, and Abbas Taj, 30, he attacked the five-storey home and office of Mr Rynja in Islington, North London

via ‘If you choose to live in this country, you live by its rules’, says judge as she jails Muslim extremists for arson attack on publisher’s home | Mail Online.

Is the Muslim world going to feel outrage at this people? Or only if one of theirs is killed, they consider is human enough to cry about it? If a Muslim wants to kill, then there is no problem?

Keep Tony Blair has more.

Egypt: more on the “hijab martyr”

An update on this story:

The irony of the outrage against Marwa al-Sherbini is that the assailant was in court appealing against a fine of 750 euros for insulting her in 2008. The authorities were clearly not complacent about the incident and it the court’s earlier verdict that provoked the attacker’s wrath last week. Despite Marwa’s hijab and religion, she was empowered enough to bring a case against Axel W and received official support in doing so, but this has generally been overlooked amidst all the indignation in the Arab countries. 🙄

Yet, these are stones thrown from Arab/Muslim glasshouses and two can play the “what if” game, as Khaled Diab does when he asks: “If a western or local woman were attacked or murdered in a Muslim country for not wearing the headscarf, would her case attract much attention in Egypt or other Muslim countries?” He also mentions prejudice against Copts in Egypt and cites the case of Maher al-Gohary, a Christian convert who has been denied identity by an Egyptian court, as an example of the discrimination against Christian converts. This legitimate argument, however, should not be used to suggest that Muslims hail from a backward civilisation and are thus not deserving of equal rights.

via Is Europe really Islamophobic? | Nesrine Malik | Comment is free |

I do think there are Islamophobic people in Europe. But the situation is much more complicated that it’s pictured by demagogues in Arab world. I believe people have ended being Islamophobic after hearing once and again menaces from Islamic fundamentalists (kill the infidels, and so on), pushes to get Shariah Law applied, calls for modifying our culture, etc. No one asked Muslim immigrants to come here. So if they came was because they wanted to come and as such, they have to live by our standards. Don’t like them? Just get back to your own country.

By the way, Axel is a Neo-Nazi. Generalizing his ideas is not going to do any good and has nothing to do with reality… In Europe Neo-Nazis are not well considered, a different consideration to what Jihadis have in an important part of the Islamic world. LABlogs:

Although the Egyptian Foreign Ministry denounced the act and asked its German counterpart for an official response, Egyptians were upset at the way their government had been dealing with the matter. “The passive policy adopted by the foreign ministry will lead to similar incidents against other Egyptians and Muslims abroad,” said El Sherbini’s brother Tarek.

Now we as Muslims and Arabs have a chance to show the whole world that real terrorism takes place in the West,” he added. “In the West, they don’t recognize us. There is racism there. The Germans are the enemies of God.”

The funeral, which was attended by a large number of Egyptian politicians and parliament members, was overwhelmed with chants such as “We need revenge,” “Where is our foreign ministry?” and “Down with Germany” and “No to racism.”

Of course, Christian Copts, Palestinian Christians, Pakistani Christians, Jews, Bhuddists, etc. have never suffered anything in the hands of Islamic terrorists.:roll:

More in Islam in Europe.