Venezuela: Chávez will write a blog

Chávez has announced he will write a blog from his official residence in Miraflores Palace. He says he wants not only Venezuelans but also foreigners to read what he has to write. He wants everyone to comment, so he says they have to be prepared for all the comments he is going to receive. He wants also to answer “the enemy, a battle is a battle, an assault is an assault”.


It’s pretty interesting that someone who has called for Internet controls (Mashable titles Venezuelan President makes threat against the Open Web), wants to open a blog. Chávez has also several TV program, among others, the famous “Aló Presidente” and a radio program, “Suddenly Chávez“. Never was this cartoon truer than now:

Hugo Chávez

One last question: is it my imagination or this guy now has dentures? :mrgreen:

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