Somalia: two French kidnapped by Al-Shabab will be prosecuted by Sharia tribunal

From Yahoo! Notizie, La Stampa, Yahoo! France.

The two French military counsellors kidnapped in Somalia are going to be judged according to Sharia law on charges of alleged spying and “conspiration against Islam”, has announced on Saturday a high responsible of onw of the groups who have them on “custody”.

(…) The two French were kidnapped last Tuesday from a hotel in Mogadiscio. According to the French Government, they were on “an official mission to help the Somalian Government”, helping according to other sources the Government army, which is in an open war against the Islamist insurgents.

France wants to discuss their state with the captors to obtain their liberation. But the contacts have been broken this Sunday, as the kidnapped agents have been “taken away” from Mogadiscio. 

The demands of the kidnappers are not clear yet, but Somali Government thinks the kidnappings can be linked to French fight against Somali pirates as France has imprisoned 15 of them. 

Meanwhile the Al-Shebab militia, which lead the kidnappings with the militia Hezb al-Islamiya of radical Islamist sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, has won every combat against the Government.

Interesting to note: there are suicide bombers in Somalia coming from US. The movement of “kamikaze made in USA” is reinforcing the Islamist militia of Al-Qaeda. Shirwa Ahmed is a striking mixture of immigrant who wants a better future in US and a terrorist who wants to destroy it. When he was very young, he fled Somalia and its poverty and arrived at Minneapolis (Minnesota, US), where he studies and is a volunteer, who helps old people at the airport. But something happens and he transforms himself into a kamikaze, in fact, the first American to ever commit a suicide attack, when he was 27-years-old.

His transformation is being studied at several Universities as a phenomenon of criminologie and also by FBI. Looks like he couldn’t help returning to a faith he had never practised before, after considering that the responsible for “desperation” were Western values and desperated consummism.

More about Shirwa Ahmed here and here.

“We believe a minority group are recruiting these kids and brainwashing them and financing and arranging the travel,” Ahmed said. “Those who are recruiting kids here can harm us here.”

He said the young men periodically call their relatives, who say they repeat terse, scripted statements that they are safe and in Somalia studying, but nothing more.

Another proof that this is much more complex than it looks like at first.

BBC has more on the Somali hostages.

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