Dissident leaders historic peaceful march for liberation of political prisoners in Cuba

Dissident leaders historic peaceful march for liberation of political prisoners in Cuba

Marta Beatriz Roque, the Cuban economist who has become one of the most prominent dissidents in that country, led a peaceful march this past weekend to demand the release of Jose Antonio Mola Porro, a political prisoner sentenced to two years in jail.

Roque, who has herself been imprisoned and harassed for her efforts to bring democracy back to Cuba, led a group of over 70 dissidents who demanded the unconditional release of Mola Porro, who was released in 2006 but was taken back to prison in November of that year for participating in the Congress of Independent Libraries.

Last May 14 he should have been released, but without any trial he was sentenced to another year in prison.

The unprecedented peaceful march led by Roque reached the Attorney General’s office of the Camaguey Province, where Mola Porro’s wife presented a request for his release, while the 70 dissidents remained outside under intense scrutiny by state police officers.

Stefania has posted some photos of the march.

protesta en Camaguey (CUBA)

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