Zp and Cuba

LOS DISIDENTES: ZP, the criminal dictator’s defender. – Blog Sevilla. Opina sobre tu Ayuntamiento. -I translate, original post in Spanish-

PSOE has rejected, with the help of the radical left, a proposition defended by Popular Party, Convergence and Union (Catalan Nationalists), Basque Nationalist Party and Canarian Coalition, in which the latter defended the support for the statement “Unity for freedom” promoted by the main leaders of the Cuban democratic oposition. The debate again has underlined the alliance between Zapatero’s Government and the Comunist regime and his total contempt for the Cuban people who are risking their lifes in their fight for freedom and democracy.
Sevilla, with Socialist Major, is one of the cities that contribute more to the Cuban regime.
Some days ago, when Condoleeza Rice came to Spain, she defended the need to boost the contacts with dissidents to seek for a democratic solution to the Castro-ist regime and she only found, the deafness, or to say more accurately, the hostility of our Government.
Doing so, PSOE puts itself openly, not only against USA, but also again the Human Rights and common sense, and our basic international alliances, which are the democracies of this world, and not the Bolshevik  last resorts, even when our President prefers them in a folk sentimental way.

 Prevost links to PP MP Moragas who says that the motion was lost only for 8 votes. Moragas adds:

Each day there are more MPs and parlamentarian groups which support the Cuban freedom and in the end we will succeed in giving, from Spanish Parliament, the support that Caribbean Perle’s democrats merit.

Hmm, so Zapatero is again doing the contrary to what Aznar said. Aznar was, with Nathan Sharansky and Vaclav Havel, the organiser of a conference in Prague about dissidence and peace. In it, they defended a hard policy towards Cuba in order to support Human Rights and democracy:

There is an appeasement policy towards Cuba“, said the Czech President and ex-dissident himself. “This conference should send a message to EU leaders: this is not the way“.
Aznar reminded that his Government incited a Common Position reached in 1996, with which the EU asks Havana to respect Human Rights and to do some changes towards democracy.
For Aznar, with this Agreement, Europe said: “nothing in Cuba without dissidents“.

You can read what Gateway Pundit wrote about the conference, in which dissidents from all the world (Iran, Bolivia, Russia, Sudan, Iraq….) spoke about their experiences. They agreed that Human Rights are not only for some people but for all.

Related news:

Cuba is wanting to meddle in the Colombian internal affairs. From EldiarioExterior.com: Cuba wants FARC leader Granda to live in Cuba if that’s good for the peace process -each time I hear that words, I get worried-. Pérez Novoa said that Cuba “always has supported peace processes -while killing and mistreating/torturing dissidents- and “that because of the respect Cuba has for Colombian internal affairs, they are at his disposition“.

Chávez and democracy.

Democracy is government of the people,” Chavez said. “I think if
we’re going to compare the extent of power that the people have,
without a doubt Cuba is more of a democracy than the United States

In Cuba there is no child that isn’t in school, no sick person who isn’t tended to,” Chavez said.

So after the Venezuelan VP said they wanted to impose the “dictatorship of democracy, now Chávez wants to equate the people’s Government with education and health. That’s a marvellous logic.

Despite his admiration of Cuba, Chavez denied that Venezuela’s emerging socialist system is being modeled after the island’s. “We’re in the middle of building it, like an artist painting a picture,” Chavez said.”We aren’t copying anything.”
[…] Chavez shares Castro’s affinity for hours-long speeches and spontaneity. During the four-hour drive, Chavez abruptly broke away from his motorcade at one point, saying he wanted a glimpse of the Apure River swollen by rains – “a magic river,” he called it.
When he stopped his Toyota (nyse: TM newspeople)4Runner at National Guard checkpoints, troops snapped to attention and saluted, reciting Castro’s trademark slogan, now adopted by Chavez:

“Socialism or death!”

h/t Fausta.

But Chávez has not been the only one visiting Castro. Evo Morales also has gone.

Both Chávez and Morales spoke with Castro about energy and environment, but of course, not a word about Human Rights…

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