Journalist from Libertad Digital menaced and insulted for asking about Cuba to Leonardo Boff

leonardo Boff, theologian known for his support to the “Theology of liberation” was giving a conference in Madrid. Asked about Venezuela, Boff critisized Chávez about the RCTV’s closing. But when was asked about Cuba, all of the questions were made and answered in favor of Cuban regime. Then this happened:

“Can you explain me why did you select those questions and were censored all the ones who were directed to enquire about Cuban situation?“, the journalist from this newspaper insisted.

Look here, you’re only provocating, you’re no journalist at all, you’re not going to tell me how I have to conduct a meeting, I’m an EFE journalist (EFE is the official Spanish news agency, the man speaking is Martínez de Velasco, president of the Association of Religious Journalism) since a lot of time ago and I know perfectly how to distinguish between what it is journalism and provocation, and you’re only a provocating, you’re harrasing me and I will not tolerate that. I have told you already that there wasn’t enough time for all the questions, and Mr. Boff had to attend another meeting”, he replied, each time more unconfortable and angry.

“Wasn’t you aware of the interest that Cuba has and that that same interest was the cause of me asking three asking? Why did not you ask one single question?”, he insisted again.

“Of course, Cuba is… but Who do you think you are? You go just provocating, you’re a shame for journalism! I do not have anything more to speak with you, I repeat that you’re harrasing me and I will not consent you that…”, he answered.

LD tried then, to make a photo of the people who were sat by the table –Martínez de Velasco, Leonardo Boff and the University Carlos III’s teacher, Juan José Tamayo–, who, in that moment were speaking with people from the public.

In that moment, a cameraman from EFE, who had filmed all the tense dialogue, began insulting and menacing the LD journalist.

“Don’t even try to take my photo, you fascist”, he threatened.

“Excuse me? What have you called me?”, we just happen to ask, totally (bad) surprised, stupefied.

Then the reporter of EFE TV left his camera on the table and went over to the LD journalist, trying to beat him, an intention in which he was refrained from by Martínez Velasco, who stop him, while the democratic cameraman threatened: “We go out and I will explain it to you, you fascist of bullocks”.

Libertad Digital: Amenazan e insultan a un periodista de LD por preguntar sobre Cuba a Leonardo Boff

smile_thinkingHmm, Spanish pacifism, Zapatero’s version…. smile_confusedApart from the obvious bad language…

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