Rice comes to Spain and the Government changes it views on RCTV


Estados Unidos y España solicitaron el viernes al presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, que reabriera una cadena de televisión cuya licencia ha cancelado y le acusaron de reprimir la libertad de expresión.

EEUU y España instan a Venezuela a que permita emitir a RCTV | Reuters.es

USA and Spain asked on Friday to the Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez to reopen a TV channel whose licence he has cancelled and accused him of repressing the freedom of expression.

So a change of 180º.

Hmm, look at the photo. But Rice wasn’t the representant of a genocidal-imperialistic-moobat….?

Now, the Government could also change its views on Cuba and make Spain have a better image on defending Human Rights.

Ooops, that we need them for defending our own country. Spanish Army will buy its first Tomahawk missiles this summer with a cost of €72 millions. But it’s even more stupid the anti-americanism when we depend on US to fire those missiles!!!

And here Rice with Rajoy, PP leader:

In the interview, Rajoy spoke with Rice about the Spanish political situation and agreed with Rice in the exam on Venezuelan and Cuban situation. Rice told him that Spanish and US Government agreed that there were a disagree on Cuban matters.

Rajoy said about Cuba:

For PP leader, the Spanish Government must give his express support the political transition on Cuba and from the Castro’s regime to democracy. Rajoy also added that the Zapatero’s Government is on danger of be considered before the international community as the “representant of a inherited dictatorship”, and supported the defense of freedom and human rights of the cubans, and to the opposition in a “visible and express” way.

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