Report: British Nazi sympathizer linked to Auschwitz sign theft

The Swedish man was only a middleman:

A wealthy British Nazi sympathizer was the impetus for last month’s theft of the famous entrance sign to the historic Auschwitz death camp in Poland, the British tabloid Sunday Mirror reported Sunday.The collector, whose name was not given, allegedly let it be known in the wider neo-Nazi scene that he was prepared to pay a large amount of money for the sign, the recent theft of which has caused a global stir.

The collector wanted it as a trophy – and used his neo-Nazi contacts to put word out he was prepared to pay huge money for it,” an unnamed source in Sweden told the newspaper.

The sign, which reads “Arbeit Macht Frei” or “Work Sets You Free” hung over the entrance to the death camp, which operated during the Nazi occupation of Poland in World War II. It was stolen on December 18.

…The Sunday Mirror quoted the source as saying the plan had been to ship the sign to a group of Swedish neo-Nazis, who would keep it in a cellar in Stockholm until they could transfer it to the British collector.

The paper reported that, had the sale gone through, the money would have been used to fund neo-Nazi projects in Sweden, including possible plans to disrupt elections scheduled for this year.

According to the report, the thieves panicked at the amount of attention their theft had caused, fleeing the Baltic port of Gdansk and dumping the sign in nearby woods. The paper reported it was retrieved after a tip from a Swedish middleman.

via Report: British Nazi sympathizer linked to Auschwitz sign theft – Haaretz – Israel News.

Poland: Swedish collector behind Auschwitz theft

An update on this story:

The German sign, which reads “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work sets you free”), was stolen from Auschwitz on Friday. Five male suspects were detained early on Monday, when the sign was also recovered by Polish authorities.Several Polish media sources cited involvement of a Swedish citizen, who reportedly offered the thieves between €10,000 and €30,000 to commit the crime, Aftonbladet reports.

It is unknown whether or not the Swede in question has been identified and if he or she will be arrested. There have been several media reports indicating that the sign was to be transported to Sweden.

via Swedish collector behind Auschwitz theft: reports – The Local. via BNI.

What kind of lunatic wants to buy a sign like this?

Poland: “Arbeit macht frei” sign stolen from Auschwitz recovered

The “Arbeit macht frei” sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found (NOTE: it’s better to say it’s been recovered, isn’t it?) in the north and five men have been arrested, police say.

…Five men in their 20s or 30s were detained and were being taken to Krakow for questioning, a police spokeswoman said.

…”From the information we have, none of the five belong to a neo-Nazi group nor hold such ideas,” Andrzej Rokita said of the suspects.

via The “Arbeit macht frei” sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men have been arrested, police say. | eChurchWebsites.

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Obama y Medvedev: Guerra Fría II

El Presidente ruso Dimitry Medvedev tuvo una manera muy especial de felicitar a Obama por su reciente elección como Presidente de los EEUU: amenazar con desplegar misiles en el enclave de Kaliningrado. Esta amenaza no es nueva: de hecho Rusia lleva amenazando con esto desde que Bush anunció el escudo antimisiles.

Además de la evidente provocación para Obama (si quiere sentarse a hablar con Ahmadinejad o Raúl Castro, ¿por qué no con Medvedev y Putin?), existe otra razón más profunda: dividir a Europa entre los que consideran necesario el escudo antimisiles y no quieren ni ver a Rusia (preferentemente aquellos que fueron estados satélites de la URSS) y los que están en el caso contrario (Alemania, Francia y Reino Unido), a los que los del comunismo les queda un poco lejos:

Many Eastern European countries have become increasingly alarmed over what they consider Russia’s aggressive attempts to re-create a sphere of influence over satellite states of the former Soviet Union. Such concerns soared after Russia sent troops into Georgia in August, sparking a brief war.

The worries worsened Wednesday when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the Kremlin would move short-range missiles into Kaliningrad, a sliver of Russian territory on the Baltic Sea bordering Poland and Lithuania, if the United States proceeds to base parts of a missile-defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus called the Russian threat “beyond comprehension.”

In contrast, Germany, France and other countries in Western Europe play down any security risks posed by Moscow and instead see Russia foremost as a lucrative — if unpredictable — trading partner. These countries, which former defense secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld once derided as “Old Europe,” generally consider the U.S. missile defense project to be an unnecessary irritant.

Es significativo que se haya señalado que la invasión rusa de Georgia de este verano pasado fuera un pago ruso al escudo antimisiles. Rusia tiene que hacerse respetar por EEUU y sabe que ahora que Obama ha llegado a presidente puede ser más fácil obtener ese respeto:

At least in part, Russia’s actions in Georgia amount to payback for the West’s refusal to respect even the most basic Russian interests and an emphatic reassertion of its sphere of influence. Moscow appears to want two things: pre-eminence in its own region and treatment by the United States and NATO as a serious power whose wishes must be respected.

Por otro lado, eso de que “Europa Occidental ve a Rusia como un socio comercial lucrativo aunque imprevisible” es algo muy peligroso. No sólo ha sometido a chantaje a diversos estados limítrofes (especialmente a Georgia) con el tema de la energía, si no que tiene otro socio comercial con el que puede hacer muchos más negocios: China.

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Polonia accede al acuerdo de defensa con EEUU y Putin se enfada

Hace varios días leí que Polonia había aceptado el acuerdo sobre la instalación del escudo anti-misiles en su territorio: Poland ‘agrees’ to US missile defence deal – Telegraph:

“Poland has put its doubts to one side and agreed in principle to let America base a missile defence system in the country, despite fierce opposition from its powerful Russian neighbour.

The deal, struck in Washington this weekend, will fuel growing tension between Russia and the West, which are competing for influence in central and eastern Europe in a struggle with uncomfortable echoes of the Cold War.

Under the agreement, announced by Poland’s foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, America will help bolster Polish air defences in return for permission to place 10 interceptor missiles on the country’s Baltic seaboard.

‘There is still a great deal of work for our experts,’ said Mr Sikorski on his first trip to Washington since Poland’s centre-right government came to power in November. ‘But yes, I am satisfied that the principles that we have argued for have been accepted.'”

Pues bien, hoy Putin ha dicho que “el mundo está envuelto en una nueva carrera armamentística y que la OTAN no está dando respuestas a las necesidades de Rusia“. Hombre, Rusia NO es miembro de la OTAN así que no veo porqué va a tener que dar respuestas a las necesidades de alguien que NO es su miembro. Y lo dice después de que Rusia haya efectuado una serie de ejercicios militares en el Mar Cantábrico, sin avisar ni a España ni a Francia (no es un requisito porque no penetró en el espacio aéreo pero sí es un signo de buena fe internacional) e invadiendo el espacio aéreo británico (caso en el que sí era un requisito, y para el que necesitaba la contestación afirmativa de GB), circunstancia por la que nos enteramos del hecho.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin says the world is engaged in a new arms race and Nato is failing to accommodate Russia’s concerns.

In a nationally-televised speech, he condemned Nato’s expansion and the US plan to include Poland and the Czech Republic in a missile defence shield.

“It is already clear that a new phase in the arms race is unfolding in the world,” Mr Putin said.

“It is not our fault, because we did not start it,” he said.

Russia has, and always will have, responses to these new challenges

Vladimir Putin
Russian President

Mr Putin was speaking less than a month before Russians elect his successor.

In his speech, to the State Council – Russia’s top politicians, officials and generals – he said other countries were spending far more than Russia on new weapons.

But Russia would always respond to the challenges of a new arms race by developing more hi-tech weaponry, he said.

Military muscle

Referring to Nato’s activities in Central and Eastern Europe, Mr Putin said “there are many discussions on these, but… we have still not seen any real steps towards finding a compromise”.

“In effect, we are forced to retaliate, to take corresponding decisions. Russia has, and always will have, responses to these new challenges,” he said.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin says the world is engaged in a new arms race and Nato is failing to accommodate Russia’s concerns.

In a nationally-televised speech, he condemned Nato’s expansion and the US plan to include Poland and the Czech Republic in a missile defence shield.

“It is already clear that a new phase in the arms race is unfolding in the world,” Mr Putin said.

“It is not our fault, because we did not start it,” he said.

Russia has, and always will have, responses to these new challenges

Vladimir Putin
Russian President

Mr Putin was speaking less than a month before Russians elect his successor.

In his speech, to the State Council – Russia’s top politicians, officials and generals – he said other countries were spending far more than Russia on new weapons.

But Russia would always respond to the challenges of a new arms race by developing more hi-tech weaponry, he said.

Military muscle

Referring to Nato’s activities in Central and Eastern Europe, Mr Putin said “there are many discussions on these, but… we have still not seen any real steps towards finding a compromise”.

“In effect, we are forced to retaliate, to take corresponding decisions. Russia has, and always will have, responses to these new challenges,” he said.

What I can’t understand is what responses NATO must give to Russia if the latter is NOT one of its members…

Anyway, it’s a little too curious for a country which has staged a naval war excercise in Bay of Biscay (for us it’s the Mar Cantábrico) without telling neither Spain nor France before them (it’s not a requirement but only a sign of good faith) and invading the air space of Great Britain (in this case, it was actually a requirement).

Some days ago I posted the statement given by former Russian spy Sergei Tretyakov, about the never ending Cold War. Looks like he was right.

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