UAE, UK plots, Malaysia, UK Government, Islamic terrorism, Larisa Arap, Spain, Greek and Turkish elections, Iran, China, Pakistan and France (+)


A one-legged Emirati father of 78 is lining up his next two wives in a bid to reach his target of 100 children by 2015, Emirates Today reported on Monday. Daad Mohammed Murad Abdul Rahman, 60, has already had 15 brides although he has to divorce them as he goes along to remain within the legal limit of four wives at a time. “In 2015 I will be 68 years old and will have 100 children,” the local tabloid quoted Abdul Rahman as saying. “After that I will stop marrying. I have to have at least three more marriages to hit the century.

UAE father of 78 eyes new brides for century target | Oddly Enough |

Just take care: heart attacks at this age are normal! 😈

Remember the London and Glasgow plots? Well:

An Australian court has overturned a government decision to revoke the visa of an Indian doctor who was accused, but later cleared, of involvement in the failed car bomb attacks on London and Glasgow.

The court’s decision was a bitter blow for the federal government, which has been criticised by civil rights groups and lawyers for its bungled arrest and subsequent release of Dr Mohamed Haneef in July.

I wrote about Lina Joy some months ago and her conversion to Christianity in Muslim Malaysia. Well:

Malaysia’s highest civil court has dismissed a Muslim woman’s appeal to be officially recognized as having converted to Christianity. In a defining decision for the multi-religious society, the court ruled against Lina Joy’s appeal to have her new faith reflected on her identity card, a move rights groups called a “backward step” for Malaysia.

The UK Government has announced that he will monitor blogs (h/t EURSOC) and has blocked “almost one third of British military exports to Israel this year, citing possible threats to regional stability and fears the equipment might facilitate human rights violations”. “, because, as we all know, only Israel commits Human Rights violations . Some people has united to ask UK Government that the British Army protect the endangered species throughout the world (h/t Croydonian). The problem that they don’t solve is how they are going to do that.

From Semanal Digital:

According to a poll published by Financial Times, 32% of Spanish people are afraid of a new indiscriminated terrorist attack in the next months. A greater fear than in other countries such as USA, the most menaced country in the world, where the oercentage reduces to 30%. The most fearful are the British, with a 52% conisdering it as a real possibility.

] The poll, that the newspaper makes to obtain the perception Western societies have about Muslims, also reveals that a 23% of Spanish people sees as a menace for national security the presence of Muslims in their country.
A percentage that rises in the cases of United Kingdom, where 37% of the citizens agrees with that; Italy, 30% or Germany, with a 28%. But in France (20%) and, curiously, United States (21%) they don’t identify easily Muslim with terrorist.
But for nearly 35% of Spanish people Muslims are subject of unjustified prejudices, not as higher as in France (more than half of the population has prejudices against them); Italy (48%), USA (47%) and Uniter Kingdom (39%).

More about Islamic terrorism:

The last incident with Islamic terrorism – the kidnapping of an airplane in Turkey with a happy ending- shows again the turbulent hostility and warmongering of the Islamic fundamentalism upon the West. The presence, rising and penetration of Islam in Western countries has grown to be a real truth, as sustains Pedro MartĂ­nez MontĂĄvez in El reto del Islam (The challenge 0f Islam), but in a undesirable political and religious acting that pretends to be, at the same time, the coactive incrporation of a whole civilization

In El escĂĄndalo del Islam (The scandal of Islam), JosĂ© MarĂ­a Gironella says that the Islam has reborn in the last third of the XXth century with a character that we can consider of defiance and insecurity. The Empire of Islam, instead of decreasing, “has reborn with a fervour that experts consider as worrying” [no, it is not worrying, it’s simply the result of not fulfilling the Law as it should be. And we only will take that into account when it will be too late and the solutions to adopt to cure the problem will be tood drastic and not very agreeable

Russian journalist Larisa Arap, that belongs also to the United Civil Front, whose leader is the ex-world chess champion Kasparov, and who had been committed to a psychiatric hospital because of denouncing a case of children sexual abuse, has been freed.

Carina MejĂ­as, PP speaker in the Catalan Parliament:

Q: Will you speak Castillian (Spanish…) as speaker in Parliament?

A: I have always done it. I speak in Catalan or Castillian considering the person I speak to and I will never change that.

Q: About this subject, you sustain that there is no freedom in Catalonia. Why?
Q: In Catalonia there is no freedom because you can’t choose the language your sons are educated in and the language you use in the publicity of your shop. If there are sanctions, there is no freedom. There is an a
bsolute interventionism in the subject of the language.

Paolo informs that there are going to be elections also in Greece with a very little margin between right and left.

Politique arabe de la France denounces that there have been 118 executions only in a month in Iran.

A massacre like this, that we have denounced in this columns, can’t but reinforce out idea of a fascist nature of the regime in particular and of the Islamist movement in general. The fool people of LibĂ© and Nouvel Obs can’t be happy about this, but the truth is what it is: ignoring this nature, the Western progressives aren’t doing but reinforcing the alienation of the Arab and Muslim masses and the inhibition of all hope for democrats in these propulations. The result is before our eyes: the election does not exist but between nationalism and islamism. It does not exist any democratic  alternative which can be deemed as really democratic.

And if we continue like that, there are not going to be much more alternatives in Europe

Good news from Iran:

A leading Iranian-American academic jailed in May during a visit to Tehran has told Iranian TV she is “very happy” after being freed on bail.

Haleh Esfandiari, 67, who is accused of spying, was released for a bail of 3bn rial ($320,000; ÂŁ160,000), the official state news agency Isna reported.

Ms Esfandiari, who works for a research institute in Washington, was jailed while visiting her 93-year-old mother.

Iranian media accused her of spying for the US and Israel.

The BBC’s Pam O’Toole says the Iranian authorities appear highly suspicious of attempts by the Bush administration to promote democratic change in Iran.

From the country where the Olympic Games will be held:

 A Woman’s Breasts Disfigured and Infected from Severe Electric Shock Torture in Masanjia Labor Camp– shocked me, even though I knew how brutal the torture is happening in China labor camp, I can not imagine this kind of inhuman crime can happening in today’s modern world!

Warning: It is recommended that children and those with delicate sensitivities refrain from viewing these photos. Photo 1 , Photo 2

Here’s the excerpt of the story:

“At first, they kept Ms. Wang in isolation. Two collaborators monitored her. She was denied sleep and forced to stand still in the corner of the room. The next day, she had to sit on a chair with her hands tied behind her back to the back of the chair. At night, they had her wear a motorcycle helmet.

“The guards kept chopsticks and a basin of cold water ready to use, and whenever Ms. Wang closed her eyes, they poured water over her and hit the helmet hard with the chopsticks. “Two guards from Benxi, holding electric batons, shouted, “We will see who is tougher!” The two men tore Ms. Wang’s shirt open and shocked her breasts with two electric batons for 30 minutes.

“Afterwards, they made her stand still for the entire night. The next morning, guard Guo Tieying asked Ms. Wang nastily whom she would follow. Ms. Wang replied, “I will follow the teachings of Falun Gong.”

“Guo Tieying immediately brought in two guards and several collaborators to torture her. They tore a bed sheet into strips and tied her legs in a cross-legged position (with legs double-crossed, as in the ‘full lotus’ position). Next they handcuffed her arms behind her back and tied her upper body to her legs, making Ms. Wang look like a ball. Then they suspended her in the air by the handcuffs, with her hands still behind her back. “She suffered excruciating pain from this torture for seven hours.

It does not shock me that the Chinese peasants ask for more Human Rights instead of having the Olympic Games.

From Catholic World News: Pakistani Christians joined with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and other religious groups in an August 11 demonstration in Lahore, demanding equal rights for minority groups, Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports.

Two young Christian girls in Pakistan were recently kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam, and married to strangers, the AsiaNews service report. Respecting women’s freedom… smile_baringteeth

Burma’s Junta continues to target opposition members.

Five North Koreans have entered the Indonesian Embassy in Vietnam, apparently seeking asylum in South Korea, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.

Comical news of the day:

There are rules of shari’a in everything. We have counted almost 70 rules about how to urinate and defecate. In contrast, how do those beasts in the West answer the call of nature? They stand in front of other people, in toilets at airports and other public places. They do not care about covering their private parts. Even their underwear is colored and not white, so it can conceal all that filth. We are a nation that has long known the meaning of cleanliness, what to do when nature calls, and what the rules of hygiene are. The others, to this day, live like beasts. To this day, many of them are not circumcised, even though the World Health Organization has advised to circumcise people as a treatment for AIDS, because it has been scientifically proven that circumcised people are less susceptible to AIDS, and are less likely to spread it than uncircumcised people.

Idiot news of the week (at least):

From France: French pedophile, given viagra in prison, rapes 5 year old boy upon release! The doctor who prescribed the viagra said he did not know why he was in prison, although A psychiatrist who examined him for the court hearing in 2004 said that he had a “homosexual paedophile perversion causing a danger of a crime”. The psychiatrist added that Evrard was “barely readaptable”. My comment: how on earth this man was released? AND how on earth a prison doctor prescribes something without considering the medical and delictive history of the imprisoned guy? So Sarkozy (even if he does not act trully well in other things) has announced that a new law will make recidivists choose between chemical castration or life imprisonment. I think it would be a good measure.

In Spain, the Spanish Director of Prisons, applying the Equality Law, has obliged female guards of prisons to serve in wings where there are men condemned for sexual crimes. In the Prison of Puerto III (Puerto de Santa MarĂ­a – CĂĄdiz), a woman had to attend a wing alone with 90 of these “guys”, throughout a whole day, while a man guard was in wing where there are no imprisoned guys! The woman has presented
a complaint because she was sexually harrased. [My comment: I am the first who asks for equality but this Law was an error since it was considered. It is a law that obliges Firms’ Board of Directors to have the same amount of woman that of men, so they are going to be changed on next two years. Results? Women on Boards of Directors are going to be considered as idiots with no personal quailifications to be there, but their own sex.

There is other thing though. In a country so chauvinistic in  a lot of respects as Spain is, this is the kind of law that will continue that topic. I mean, men -and some women 👿 – would think “if a woman must be helped to reach certain rates, isn’t it a proof of their inferiority or at least, of their real place is at home, cleaning and sweeping the floor?” Just let everyone, whatever their sex, religion, cultural and social origins, etc. develop by themselves, giving them the means to reach their top and things would be better, not perfect, but at least, better].

I update the post, because there something to say. US friend John Lyllea from This ain’t hell, has written an introduction to our new group Liberty Alliance. Mike and I were going to speak about how to introduce the group one of this days, but as he has done it, just go over and read it. This is not the official launching of the group, though. When we launch it, we will announce it, and the collaboration between all the blogs which have accepted the challenge will begin.

Thanks for the compliments, John, but I’m sure my readers will also learn a lot from you.