Zapatero, A Photo you would never find on MSM, Hibz ut-Tahrir, Al-Qaeda and Syria, Ahmadinejad and the armed clerics, female circuncision, Flight 93 memorial and Russian repression

Zapatero is the Shrinking Man and is shrinking the whole country with him. From IHT thanks to Barcepundit. đŸ‘ż

This little Iraqi girl’s entire family was executed. They intended to execute her also and shot her in the head, but they failed to kill her.
She was cared for by John Gebhardt’s hospital and is healing, but has been crying and moaning The nurses said John is the only one she seems to calm down with, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both sleep in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing

Theo Spark: Pic of the day…..

The hardline Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir has started posting professionally produced propaganda video clips on YouTube.

The clips, some lasting almost 10 minutes, posted on the internet video-sharing site depict Muslims being attacked by Western forces and asks “for how much longer?”

Produced by the group’s Malaysian branch, the clips call on Muslims to “arise and shake off the dust” of European colonialism and show members marching in support of Palestinians to the commentary “O armies of the Muslim world, we wait for your help.”

I wrote about them here.

Recently declassified American intelligence reveals just how much al Qaeda in Iraq is dependent for its survival on the support it receives from the broader, global al Qaeda network, and how most of that support flows into Iraq through one country — Syria. Al Qaeda in Iraq is sustained by a transnational network of facilitators and human smugglers, who replenish its supply of suicide bombers — approximately 60 to 80 Islamist extremists, recruited every month from across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, and sent to meet their al Qaeda handlers in Syria, from where they are taken to Iraq to blow themselves up to kill countless others.

Well, this is is something not very rare considering what role Syria has been playing.

To continue with the Global Caliphate:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Tuesday that rule of Islam on mankind is the only way for salvation of human beings.

“There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind,” said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

By the way, we were the other day watching Anastasia and it struck me how much the bad guy, Rasputin, resembles Ahmadinejad:

Both of them very attractive… 😈

One Ahmadinejad is attractive (for his mother maybe). But not as attractive as a lot of armed clerics marching:

Read more in Winds of Jihad. And read also Kamagir about the words of the Teheran’s Public Prosecutor to the detained students’ families: “Torture? We haven’t started torture yet. The confessions have not being made under pressure“. Despite

CAIRO – Egyptian police are holding a woman who conducted a near-fatal circumcision on a young girl, a widely-condemned practice the authorities are trying to stamp out, the press reported Friday.

The victim, Naglaa Khamis, went into a coma and suffered severe hemorrhaging after the removal of part of her genitals, but was saved after being taken to hospital by her parents.

Police took the woman who carried out the mutilation in Minya, south of Cairo, into custody.

The health ministry said, last week, that a law to toughen penalties against female circumcision will be put to parliament when it reconvenes in the autumn, after two young girls died during such operations in recent months.

 To know what FGM is about click here. Egypt legalised this practise 10 years ago.

Really unbelievable news from David Drake:

Tom Burnett, Sr., from Minnesota – whose son Tom, Jr. died on Flight 93 – and others continue criticizing the design of the memorial (and I agree with them), for its structural designs which appear to honor Islam and the terrorists instead of the all the passengers on Flight 93.

Nearly two years after the design of the United Flight 93 Memorial was changed to eliminate any perceived Islamic symbolism, the father of one of the people killed in the crash has asked that his son’s name be withheld from the monument.

But true… 👿

Lastly, from Russia, thanks to Mike and Molten Thought, comes this terrible story:

Six weeks ago Ms. Larisa Arap, a 49 year old Russian journalist, went to the doctor’s for her annual physical. While there her doctor discovered that she wrote an article entitled “Madhouse” that exposed the alleged child abuse at the Murmansk Regional Psychiatric Hospital. So, as any normal paranoid freak would do, the doctor summed the police and had Ms. Arap committed to a psychiatric hospital herself.

“[The doctor] said, ‘It’s not possible to write such things. It’s forbidden.'” Doctors also told Taisiya Arap that her mother needed “long term treatment and might never leave the clinic,” the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported.

The fact that an independent panel of three psychiatrists have found Ms. Arap to be of sound mind and should be released has
made no impression on the state doctors.

Read it all.