Indonesia: 100.000 people push for Global Caliphate (+)

[This is a translation of the post I wrote for the Spanish blog. I consider this summit as very important for Spain, not only for the secretive activity and recruitement of HuT but also because of its increasing presence in Spain, specially in Catalonia. My comments, in green].


Yes, of course, this is the new CIA conspiration in its search for a global power.


Well, no, CIA, MI6, James Bond or CNI have nothing to do with it. The responsible for the mega-demonstration in Indonesia asking for the Global Caliphate is the Islamist party Hizb ut Tahrir, that translated to English means the “party of Liberation” (of course, by the Global Caliphate. I don’t know you, but for me this would be no liberation, except if we consider liberation by submission to the Caliphate, something is more related to some sort of sexual relations than of an ordinary social organization) .


BBC (more accurate than normally, there are some points to be made of it, though):


The dull roars of a football match, the twanging music of a youth group concert – from a distance it is not always easy to tell an Islamic conference from a holiday crowd.

Inside Jakarta’s Gelora Bung Karno stadium the clues get easier. There are about 100,000 people inside, and everyone is in Islamic dress.

The women’s section – by far the largest – is a pitter-patter of ice-cream colours. On their parasols, one word is printed over and over again: Khilafah, caliphate.

This is the reason why people have come here. To show their support for a single, unified, Islamic state.

They have been invited by the international Islamist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir. Not everyone believed they would fill the stadium, but Hizb ut-Tahrir is good at bringing in supporters – and keeping them.

Milling around outside the stadium we found 24-year-old Akbar.

He was not a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, but he said: “This conference is not just for one group. In my opinion, if you support there being sharia law in Indonesia, you’ve got to be here.”

[…] this was a conference that would like to overturn Indonesia’s democratically elected government and install an Islamic state – so where does he stand on that?

“I think democracy is OK,” he said. “But it’s not enough. I think democracy in Indonesia should be supported by religious, ethical and moral values.”

“Because this is a country where the majority of its citizens are religious people. So maybe not liberal democracy, but uncommon democracy; based on religious values – I say religious values, not necessarily Islamic values.” [of course, that’s why he is at a conference that is asking for the Islamic caliphate. There are other things too: if someone does not believe in God -the reason is none of my business-, that one has no rights? And of course, I would like that he would explain how they were going to make compatible the Islamic values with the ones which belong to other religions…, because they would not be considered as inferiors or misguided, true?].

There was a lot of speculation before this conference began about what kinds of messages would be reflected here.

Hizb ut-Tahrir says it is not an extremist organisation: it does not have a paramilitary wing, and has never been charged with violence.

But its hardline agenda and rhetoric, and its secretive recruitment process, have won it many opponents.[I ask myself why an organization that says it is pacific has a secret recruitment for its followers. Just imagine that for the Football Club of your city or for the Knitting School you would have to pass a secret recruitment. It is at least surprising].

Kholid has been a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia for six years. He joined at college and says the teachings of the party have changed the way he views the West. [And then, now, he is asking for the Caliphate…].

“It comes as a matter of course,” he told me. “I’ve come to believe that Muslims have the right to defend themselves when attacked, but we’re not allowed to be aggressive against Westerners if they’re not attacking us. [Now, define attack. A woman without hijab or in swimming suit or bikini is an attack? A drunk person after a week-end party? There are fundamentalist Muslims which consider those things as an attack].

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