France: “Allah’s revenge” on Sarkozy for proposing “burqa ban”?

Islam/ Musulmani su malore Sarkozy: “vendetta di Allah” – Esteri – Virgilio Notizie

What has happened to Nicolas Sarkozy, is just an advise from the Islamic God: Allah would have taken vengeance on Sarkozy for his recent words on the full Islamic veil which only women’s eyes . The daily newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi reports that the majority of Saudi population “is convinced” about that. “To strike Sarkozy with health problem is Allah’s vengence for disturbing the poor Muslim women in his country”. This is a “divine” message to a “bad man”, according to fundamentalist Islam. They are referring to the recent accident Sarkozy suffered in the Versailles park, on July 22nd, just in front of the Assembly where he has pronounced his “blasphemy speech”

Even if this happens to be really logical considering their beliefs, I haven’t found any other link that refers to this or confirming it. If anyone has any knowledge of this, he/she can leave a comment on the comments section. Thanks.

Global Voices Online » Hijablogging: On Burqas and Bans includes several reactions on the blogosphere (mostly against the burqa ban, based on “the women’s freedom to wear it”). Even if I don’t really believe this is a question of “freedom” but of “really accepting the values and social norms of the place where you live”, it’s interesting to read about the other side’s views too.

Most recently, French President Nicholas Sarkozy proposed a ban on the burqa.

French lawmaker suggests gradual ban on burqas

The National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, put together a committee of 32 legislators from all four major political parties to study the wearing of burqas and niqabs, face-covering veils worn primarily by women in Saudi Arabia and by some other Muslim women.

I particularly think that Sarkozy fainted after his son told him he is going to be grandfather by the end of the year 😆

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