US: Metropolitan Museum pulls images of Mohammed from its collection

Following the attack on Westergaard and the death threats against Swedish illustrator Lars Vilks, Norwegian newspaper Afternposten republished the Mohammed cartoons. But the Metropolitan Museum of Art, instead of following Aftenposten’s lead, has decided to hide them just in case some conservative Muslim considers they are not respectful of the prophet and acts accordingly place them under review:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art quietly pulled images of the Prophet Mohammed from its Islamic collection and may not include them in a renovated exhibition area slated to open in 2011, The Post has learned.

The museum said the controversial images — objected to by conservative Muslims who say their religion forbids images of their holy founder — were “under review.”

Critics say the Met has a history of dodging criticism and likely wants to escape the kind of outcry that Danish cartoons of Mohammed caused in 2006.

via ‘Jihad’ jitters at Met –

They are also going to change the name of the Islamic collection to

Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and Later South Asia,” according to a museum press release.

Don’t say Islam: it could be that some misunterstanders of its peaceful message just attack the Museum.

4 comments on “US: Metropolitan Museum pulls images of Mohammed from its collection

  1. kseverny says:

    thats ridiculous.
    its the rght of the artist to put anything and i mean anything under the scrutinous microscope

    • Nora says:

      Hi kseverny.
      You’re right, but Islamic extremists (whatever their number) don’t see that as a “right of the artist“. In fact, the other day someone here referred this way to Kurt Westergaard:

      Muhammad PBUH is truly prophet, and we belief on him .As roles of United Nation, that freedom of religious in all over the world, so why u can do, like this. As a Muslim, we can do all the thank from other religious. But our Holy Prophet PBUH forbade him from this. Who makes this cartoon? He is not a human being. He is a dog, bitch, and he is not born from two, he don’t know about his father, that how, many father he has,.

      Imams are preaching this in mosques and their sermons are being distributed on mosques, internet, etc. So it’s not really surprising that the Museum has felt they could be under attack. The surprising thing is that they have not defended art, specially because these artistic pieces are History.

  2. Gah!


    The dhimmitude, voluntary at the moment, is empowering Moslems and weakening Western civilization.

    • Nora says:

      Hello, AOW.
      Well, you know these guys get sooo easily offended… 😛 And some people then get frightened…
      Seriously, this is like a true vicious circle:
      1.- offense (imaginary, because there are images of Mohammed dating back to Middle Ages and nothing happened back then. He was drawn and that was all).
      2.- people feel threatened and back off.
      3.- go back to feel offended for other things… Why? because these conservative Muslims are offended by the sole existence of non-Muslims…
      I feel they have just found quite a huge business here: you feel threatened, so you’re gonna do what they want you to do. It’s so simple it’s mad. And frontally against freedom… 😥

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